Recent content by trajanx
  1. trajanx

    PC Gaming / Soundcard Amps (Sennheiser PC350)

    Wow, I really appreciate all the information here, thanks to everyone who contributed! I am thinking of taking Gunfreak's advice and getting the AD700s. I was initially shy of these since they are open, but thinking about it, I do all of my gaming at home, in my home office, where blasting...
  2. trajanx

    PC Gaming / Soundcard Amps (Sennheiser PC350)

    I hope I'm posting in the right place, and I hope its ok to blatantly plead for advice here - I'm new to the forums and new to higher-end audio, but I'm trying to learn! I'm aiming to upgrade my PC audio, not so much for music/movies but for gaming purposes. Partly for competitive reasons...