Recent content by Toneof Voice
  1. Toneof Voice

    DAC for iPad

    Hi there, I just found out, that my Ipad is able to transfer the audio stream to an external DAC via the Camera Connecotr Kit.   Can you name a DAC that improves the audio quality compared to the Ipad's DAC and costs at max 100 $ ?  ...
  2. Toneof Voice

    List of DACs that work with iPad

    Hey guys, I just found this thread, as I am looking ofr a good DAC for my IPAD.   I have an Sony AMP at home and want tom connect my IPAD via a DAC to it.   Can you name some DACs which really improve the sound quality compared to the IPAD line-out ?   My Price Limit is about 100 $...
  3. Toneof Voice

    looking for usb sound card / DAC to connect to my sony amp max ~120$

    I think I would rather go for the  Hifimediyi, because I wont need an headphone amp. Do you have a supplier for the Hifimediyi Europe / USA ?   It would take  3 weeks  to be shipped from China to Germany . :o   Thanks for your advice, btw
  4. Toneof Voice

    looking for usb sound card / DAC to connect to my sony amp max ~120$

    Hi there guys,    I am looking for a decent sound card (usb) at max 120$.   I need the sound card only for listening to music. I want to use my small PC as a Mediaplayer, connected to my amp   I was pondering to buy the Behringer UCA222, but then the price seems to cheap for me to...