Recent content by ToMa TomA
  1. T

    Luxury & Precision E7: Impressions and Discussions

    I have a similar issue in windows 11. I have to choose the msc option then hit return then repress msc, rinse and repeat and it'll eventually open a folder for file transfers. Definitely some bugs in the software that probably need to be ironed out. I also have a 200+ song playlist and somehow...
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    Luxury & Precision E7: Impressions and Discussions

    Other than going to the settings menu and choosing bluetooth, is there another way to pair devices? i can't get the e7 to recognize any of my bluetooth headphones either but my samsung phone picks up the e7 as a pairable device. I'm wondering if i'm not long pressing something or missing an option
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    Interesting machine from Luxury n Precision

    I heard that "the E7, under High Dynamic tuning, sounds similar to LP6; under Harmonic tuning, it sounds closer to P6 Pro". This was what someone at musicteck told me as i was debating between the e7 or lp6. I was just curious if you had any opinion between the two. I really loved the lp6 sound...
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    Interesting machine from Luxury n Precision

    Do you have any comparative impression between the e7 and lp6. I'm aware they're a different dac structure but I've been hearing how the e7 tuning can have them similar in some regards. Thanks
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    Woo's New Flagship WA33

    I was doing an a/b between the msb reference and the new rossini apex and clock. I have the ta-2a3 tubes (so far that’s the only tube upgrade) as well and it sounded phenomenal with the rossini apex. The biggest difference was that I seemed to notice more details from classical in particular...
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    Woo's New Flagship WA33

    I am waiting for delivery of an MSB select 2 dac. I've just spent the last couple of months trying to decide between that or a DCS stack and for the WA33 and susvara I preferred the MSB although the DCS is also great. Source material is roon.
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    Woo's New Flagship WA33

    Does anyone have an opinion on what would be the more worthwhile purchase if you already own a wa33 and susvara headphones: Adding the ahb2 amp so you can experience a SS amp and also using the wa33 as a pre or purchasing the abyss 1266 headphones to use with the wa33 alone?
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    SONY NW-WM1Z M2 / WM1A M2

    audio46 had it up for presale a while ago but they pulled the listing due to "extremely high demand and low supply" they pushed back their estimated delivery date to august i believe when we spoke on the phone and then just outright pulled the listing
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    SONY NW-WM1Z M2 / WM1A M2

    How are you using the sony 1zm2 through usb or headphone output?
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    HiFiMan Susvara

    Thank you all for the recommendations before. I was hoping to get your opinions about 2 questions: First, would you spend more money on a dac or amp first in particular for the susvara? And second, would a chrome book be sufficient to send the signal to a dac or should I go for a MacBook or...
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    SONY NW-WM1Z M2 / WM1A M2

    Is there a dedicated line out on the m2 in case I wanted to add a c9 amp or something like that?
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    HiFiMan Susvara

    What would a good chain be to sufficiently experience the susvara? thanks
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    HiFiMan Susvara

    Hi all, i am interested in possibly getting a pair of susvara and i wanted to know if the new sony wm1zm2 would be a good source if i did a line out to an amp. I'm not concerned with portability for the susvara but i'm unsure if the sony dap would be a good source or would i need to look into...
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    SONY NW-WM1Z M2 / WM1A M2

    I'm not sure i'm the best person to answer this but there are settings to enable bit perfect and it does recognize all mqa files. i think i also paid an additonal $2 for mqa compatibility though. I would need to go back and do a more thorough comparison but initially i thought uapp sounded...
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    SONY NW-WM1Z M2 / WM1A M2

    Are sound adjustments (dsee ultimate, dsd remaster etc) supposed to affect all apps like tidal and uapp? i'm asking because i was doing an A/B comparison with uapp and the walkman app and noticed that dsd remastering makes a significant change on the walkman app but not uapp. the volume...