Recent content by tolkencatholic
  1. tolkencatholic

    Review of the Ultrasone HFI-2400 Headphones

    Hey guys. I just wanted to confirm what kesslerjesus's review of the HFi-2400. I purchased them about 2 months ago and have noted the same impressions as kessler did. I then had them recabled by Moon Audio with their Silver Dragon V3 cable w/ the hardwire split mod.   Bass The 2400s claim...
  2. tolkencatholic

    Arcade Fire - The Suburbs

    For anyone still reading on here: You have to check this band out live! Just saw them in Bilbao, Spain at the Guggenheim museum last week and they were amazing!
  3. tolkencatholic

    is the ipod classic the ipod of audiophiles?

    I love my 5.5 Gen 240 GB iMod with ALAC!   Awesome player
  4. tolkencatholic

    Super T-Amp : Power Supply Suggestions Anyone?

    Hey guys. I've been happily using my Super T-Amp for a while now, but have been using the stock power supply. I've read that changing up the dinky power chord to something better really improves the sound.   Just wanted to ask: What power supplies out there would you guys reccomend?  ...
  5. tolkencatholic

    Best record of the year: Microcastle / Weird Era

    Only 6 days till the next Deerhunter album!!! ( and new No Age album too! )
  6. tolkencatholic

    St. Vincent - Marry Me

    Quote: I think there is tendency to be "formulaic" in pop songs. lol
  7. tolkencatholic

    St. Vincent - Marry Me

    Marry Me is great! Actor, her follow-up album, is amazing! Anyone interested in her should definitely check out this album. Can't wait for her next album
  8. tolkencatholic

    Arcade Fire - The Suburbs

    nah Month of May is swweeeeet. especially when it goes into Wasted Hours
  9. tolkencatholic

    ALO-780 or Ultrasone HFi-680?

      Quote: You mean it puts the sound signature more forward ( ie like Grado)? or is it even more fuller? Thanks again for you listening impressions, definitely did ease my mind.
  10. tolkencatholic

    ALO-780 or Ultrasone HFi-680?

    Thanks guys! Really appreciate it! Anyone else here have listening information on the 680s?
  11. tolkencatholic

    ALO-780 or Ultrasone HFi-680?

      Quote: I was looking into your headphone inventory. Wanted to ask how the Moon-Audio recables sound like? They recommend Silver Dragon, but I don´t listen that much classical. How do the 780s sound: Blue Dragon vs Black Dragon?   How do the 680s sound like with recable? Sorry for...
  12. tolkencatholic

    ALO-780 or Ultrasone HFi-680?

    Quote: I like the Ultrasone sound. Grados are great, but I listen to music that benefits from a wide soundstage. ( Pet Sounds etc) That´s why I was looking into the 680s. A little less bass, but more mids. And now that Ken gave the green light for a recable job, ALO-680 is a definite...
  13. tolkencatholic

    ALO-780 or Ultrasone HFi-680?

    Quote: Sorry mate. Forgot to get back to you. As soon as I figure out what my new headphones, we´ll work something out. Sorry for the late response!