Recent content by tmaertin
  1. tmaertin

    help selecting a portable headphone amp

    Thank you for your reply KT66. I agree that the esw9's would not be done proper by an inferior amp. I admit they already sound like heaven without an amp. Its just one of those things where you wonder if your missing something without it? I am using the headphone out. The moto does have an...
  2. tmaertin

    help selecting a portable headphone amp

    Hi everyone,   I am relatively new to head-fi and quality portable audio, so I appreciate your patience in what may seem like some "dumb" questions.   I am looking for a quality portable amp that I can use at work and when I travel for work by plane/train. I was looking to spend below...
  3. tmaertin

    Overhead headphones for iPod.

    if you are thinking of the Image One's, I actually have a pair of Reference One's I am selling. Under 20 hours of listening on them - was looking for $100.   my CL ad is here -   I will be putting them up on here later tonight as well -...
  4. tmaertin

    US residents, want to borrow some Sennheiser headphones for a few weeks?

    PM sent - would love to compare the HD 215's to my ATs!
  5. tmaertin

    Review by 'tmaertin' on item 'Klipsch Reference ONE On-Ear Stereo Headphones'

    Please bear with me as this is my first foray into reviewing headphones.   Let me start by saying I am just getting into good headphones at work - as there is a very loud and vocally assaulting woman that works near me. I have a decent home theater at home (Polk R70's and PSW505 subs for...