Recent content by timgt
  1. timgt

    Monoprice Monolith M1060 and M560 Planar Headphones

    Thanks for that chart, whats strange is I have the HD650 and the M1060 and feel the bass is a lot more present on the M1060 to me compared to the HD650. But if I were to look at only this graph it would say otherwise to my eyes. According to that chart it looks like the HD650 would be slammin...
  2. timgt

    Monoprice Monolith M1060 and M560 Planar Headphones

    Agreed. If you need to see other measurements and don't have a meter on your own then is a good starting point. It has all kinds of measurements for all kinds of headphones.
  3. timgt

    Monoprice Monolith M1060 and M560 Planar Headphones

    It looks like in your chart as well as the other users chart that performed the mods that from around 400hz to 3khz or so (Its hard to see the numbers on my screen) the measurements took a fairly large drop in this area.
  4. timgt

    Monoprice Monolith M1060 and M560 Planar Headphones

    Not sure these mods are for me. Looks like it messes up the mids to me. Mids are the most important to me, more so then gaining some treble.
  5. timgt

    Sennheiser x Massdrop HD6XX Review / Preview - Head-Fi TV

    Patiently waiting for my HD6xx. I have a pair of closed back Audeze EL-8's I'm not completely in love with. I plan on selling those soon.
  6. timgt

    The Sennheiser HD 800: The First Listen, The First Review

    I hope to one day hear a pair of HD800's in person. I have a pair of those HD6xx from massdrop coming soon but I still want to see what all the fuss is about with these HD800's