Recent content by timbo4321
  1. timbo4321


    Quote: A quick answer to save trying to find the original. These are Smeggy's dimensions that I made a note of   Cup and baffle diameter 4 inches Cup inside diameter 3 1/4 inches Cup inside depth  3/4 inches Overall cup depth 1 inch Baffle thickness 1/2 inch Baffle inner...
  2. timbo4321

    Thunderpants vs Denon D-7000

    Great review by op. I must say I struggled with the keep the Denon D7000 or sell when compared to my Fostex T50 question. I have a modded T50 and a Thunderpants variant and though the Denons and the Fostex are very different sounding I kept the Fostex and sold the Denon. The reasons were that I...
  3. timbo4321


      Quote:   I don't know what wood you are using but 1/4 inch is quite a lot of wood, I wouldn't worry about bleed through. As for finishing Tung oil won't give you a high gloss finish, but will look beautiful and be highly tactile. I would recommend getting some wet and dry paper start...
  4. timbo4321


      Quote:   1) I wouldn't personally bother sanding the inside. If it comes from the woodturner it should be reasonably finished and if its rough as a bears bottom, unless you have a lathe it will take you forever to clean the surface up. You might end up covering it with some sort of...
  5. timbo4321

    Just listened to some Fostex T50RPs today... WOW!

    Quote: Well you can drive the cans with anything (I have run them from my iPod - which is fine but I don't sit down and say wow!) but what wje and I are trying to say is you need an amp to get the best out of the cans - then maybe wow!. The O2 does produce enough juice, whether you like...
  6. timbo4321

    Just listened to some Fostex T50RPs today... WOW!

    Quote: If you have been doing a lot of mods in quick succession I might be inclined to give your ears a rest for a while. Listen to something else  and then come back to the T50's ears refreshed and try some more mods. Alternatively look at the Thunderpants thread and consider putting...
  7. timbo4321

    Just listened to some Fostex T50RPs today... WOW!

    Quote: I have a solution for the headband hinge in the Thunderpants thread - scroll down for pictures   You can look at Smeggy's solution as well if you need more flexibility in the hinge. I agree polyfill doesn't work well, but...
  8. timbo4321


      Here are some pictures of my oval ear cup T50's as promised. In the piccy below you can see the very small bass port in the middle of some untidy finishing - yes I was in a bit of a hurry to get these finished in time for my son's birthday so some compromises had to be made.     The...
  9. timbo4321


    Latest news, I've just put on a pair of Stax O2 ear pads and the music has taken on an even sharper focus. Piano is now as good as I can imagine it with no funny resonances. The difference is immediately striking. I am amazed at the difference ear pads make to the overall sound.
  10. timbo4321


    OK I am a happy (Easter) bunny. My woodied T50's are finished and I am more than happy with the sound with very little in the way of modding. Here is how I did my conversion. Pictures may follow when I figure out how to post them!   Wanting to utilize the current plastic baffles I decided to...
  11. timbo4321


    Quote: In the sprit of the UK press 'publish and be damned!" But seriously, in a public forum we all read this because we want knowledge. We each have knowledge we pass on to others, ultimately its your judgement, but I'm sure we'd all like to know your way of problem solving. It might...
  12. timbo4321

    Just listened to some Fostex T50RPs today... WOW!

    Quote: How do you test these cans? I fully understand that modding with measurements is better than modding randomly. Its something I have considered but I'm unwilling to add to the cost of the headphones just for one or two samples. In conjunction with ones own judgement whether you...
  13. timbo4321

    Just listened to some Fostex T50RPs today... WOW!

    Quote: No felt inside, and three of the four vents taped up. Why do you ask?
  14. timbo4321

    Just listened to some Fostex T50RPs today... WOW!

    Quote: I don't know about the cotton and transpore combination, if you try it report back, I don't think I have the time to play at the moment.   I put more Paxmate in as I'm trying to damp the resonances in piano music. Listening to the later recording of Glenn Goulds Goldberg...
  15. timbo4321

    Just listened to some Fostex T50RPs today... WOW!

    Quote: The elusive treble detail! This question has been asked before and no really good answers have been supplied. While there are plenty of reported mods to increase bass - and these headphones sound great for most genres other than classical where treble detail is utmost importance...