Recent content by thtl
  1. thtl

    What do you guys think of the nano lawsuit?

    While I agree that a lawsuit is an excessive action that probably benefits only the lawyers in the end, in this case it does serve the purpose of making more potential buyers aware of how bad the problem is. From the tone of some message here a number of people subscribe to the attitude that...
  2. thtl

    Comparing Shure E4 and Westone UM2

    Quote: Originally Posted by RB26DETT actually it does... =p for the price difference, do u think it will be more "worth while" to get the e4? Quite frankly it depends on how much you are willing to pay for the extra bang. In my case I consider my switch from ER6i to E4C well...
  3. thtl

    Comparing Shure E4 and Westone UM2

    I have both and would recommend the UM2's if the price difference does not bother you. I found I tend to 'listen' to the music more with the UM2's and 'analyse' the music more with E4C's - in short the UM2's are more enjoyable, especially if you go more for non-classical stuff (IMHO with...
  4. thtl

    i need ipod phones on a budget!

    You might want to take a look at ATH's CM7 or EC7.
  5. thtl

    upgrading from e3cs for a fuller sound

    I went from E3C to ER6i to E4C to UM2. Have to agree that UM2 is much better in the low frequencies, but the E4C seems better in terms of clarity. Warning: I only had the UM2 a few days and have definitely not burn them in sufficiently.
  6. thtl

    Shure E5C vs UM2

    I haven't used the E5C but owned both the E3C and E4C before purchasing the UM2 recently. The UM2 wins hands down in the low frequencies compared to both Shures, but the E4C seems to score higher on clarity, but this may be due to the fact that my UM2 has not burn-in yet. If you are using a...
  7. thtl

    e4c volume

    1/2 or slightly lower on my iPod mini.
  8. thtl

    IPod earphones

    I second MrIriver's recommendations. I also go back-and-forth between E3C's and ER6i's. I love Shure's sound but they are not nearly as comfortable to wear - both because Etymotic's tri-flanges works better for me and Shure's rather stiff cable. With hindsight, if I have to choose between the 2...
  9. thtl

    MP3 Players Quality

    An instruction manual (more like sheet) comes with the ER6i tells you how to put them on properly.
  10. thtl

    4 quick questions about creative zen micro...

    Quote: Originally Posted by batfastad So you definitely need to have windows media player 10? To use drag and drop? All my media is mp3. I have no wma files. Also, you need windows XP? All other USB devices I've used, windows 2000 has been fine for recognising the USB UMS driver...
  11. thtl

    Best +-5gb mp3 to my e2c

    Quote: Originally Posted by PLCorndog I know its possible that he only gets 6 hours, but he states that the spec is 8 hrs when the spec is 12 hrs. same with the h10, he says spec is 10 hrs, but the spec is actually 12 hrs. My apologies for the misinformation. It is also true that...
  12. thtl

    Best +-5gb mp3 to my e2c

    I have owned both the iPod mini & the Zen Micro. While I don't have the H10 I had used an iRiver Flash-RAM based MP3 for some time. IMPO they compare as follows: Sound quality: iRiver>Creative>iPod (on the high frequency end the iPod definitely loses out to the competition. However I can...
  13. thtl

    ATH-EC7 or MDR-E888

    I have both and would recommend the EC7's everytime, unless price is a deciding factor - EC7's costs over twice the 888's.
  14. thtl

    Review: Audio Technica ATH-CM7 Aluminum Sticks (earbuds)

    Looking forward to your shoot-out between the CM7s and the EX-51s. I have EX-71s but they don't match up to the CM7's at all - although the EX-71's has much more or a kick in the bass section overall it sounds to muddy compared to the CM7's. I'm not a bass-head so I am not prepared to sacrifice...
  15. thtl

    Review: Audio Technica ATH-CM7 Aluminum Sticks (earbuds)

    How they fit in your ears are indeed an important factor with regards to the performance, bass or otherwise, of the CM7's. Personally I have odd-shaped ear holes and find it difficult to hold the bud in my left ear. For this reason I have turned to the ATH EC-7's which hangs on the ear, allowing...