Recent content by thompsontechs
  1. thompsontechs

    Little Dot MK VI / Little Dot MK VIII SE Owners Unite

    I have one of those as well, and it was not sufficient for my needs, the amp still was very hot. There was not enough flow directed into the holes where the fans were. YMMV
  2. thompsontechs

    Little Dot MK VI / Little Dot MK VIII SE Owners Unite

    Something to think about when getting the Mundorf caps. There will be no room for the fans in the unit and it will got very hot! I got some usb fans and mounted them on the outside to combat the issue.
  3. thompsontechs

    ZMF Atticus and Eikon: Official Announcement and Give-away

    Okay congrats, but what wood did he/she pick??? As far as post count, I like it because you know there was no favoritism going on. :wink: Thanks Zach, I still think my wood choice would be the crap. :p JT
  4. thompsontechs

    Cavalli Audio

    I was rather shocked to hear this, I don't know you and understand your reasons, but it's a true loss to the community. Be well Alex! JT
  5. thompsontechs

    CanJam @ RMAF 2017 (October 6-8, 2017) Impressions!
  6. thompsontechs

    Little Dot MK VI / Little Dot MK VIII SE Owners Unite

    I did the upgrade from the factory, so I can not tell you what the sound difference was from stock. Perhaps someone else could chime in that did a cap upgrade or who has heard both. Also, there is some good info on this forum, you might just try searching on Mundorf and read. JT
  7. thompsontechs

    Little Dot MK VI / Little Dot MK VIII SE Owners Unite

    Just pickup a stand alone USB charger and you can place it wherever you want. :) JT
  8. thompsontechs

    Little Dot MK VI / Little Dot MK VIII SE Owners Unite

    I did do that to start, but it didn't cool the way I wanted, so I sized the holes and mounted two fans external which are powered by a usb charger. :) These bolt right up I also put filters on the intake side
  9. thompsontechs

    Holo Audio Spring R2R DAC

    I have it all here, I would be happy to answer what I can, but my verbiage is somewhat lacking, if you can interpret fknewguy, PM me and I will do my best because that is my exact chain. JT
  10. thompsontechs

    Little Dot MK VI / Little Dot MK VIII SE Owners Unite

    This a great amp, and if you do not upgrade the caps, it will come with internal fans... the problem crops up if you get the larger Mundorf caps. If you do this, there is no room for the internal fans and you are going to need some cooling. I LOVE the amp. :) JT
  11. thompsontechs

    Holo Audio Spring R2R DAC

    :) I was not uncalm, I have enhanced my calm. lol The problem with the written word, an especially, that without context, is the inherent ability to read something into the text which is not there. It's one of the major flaws of the internet and lack of face to face. The point was, why try to...
  12. thompsontechs

    Little Dot MK VI / Little Dot MK VIII SE Owners Unite

    I had a couple of flags for this thread... I know I may be a bit lake, but they were about heat. the VIII gets hot as ****. I had the M-Caps put in and it came with no fans because the caps got in the way. If you run that bitch like that without fans it will be hot enough to warm the food in...
  13. thompsontechs

    Holo Audio Spring R2R DAC

    The bottom line is if you want the best source, dump USB and the computer period! I don't care what type of crap filter you put in there, as long as it starts with a flawed source, it's only lipstick on a pig. JT
  14. thompsontechs

    Anybody figured out the new site yet?

    Click on the user avatar or username you want to PM then click on the "information" tab and scroll to the bottom and click on Start Private Conversation err something to that effect. JT
  15. thompsontechs

    Anybody figured out the new site yet?

    Jude err jude, That's what was needed before everyone lost their minds, as I said, I am a WM and I understand all the BS that can drive a person insane with this stuff. Migration tools, especially from one platform or DB to another are spotty at best and fkn useless in a lot of cases. I think...