Record Store Owner, Professional Artist (Landscapes, portraits, Illustration)
listening to music played by real live humans and not programmed
I am a landscape and portrait painter
I see 200+ movies a year
I read history and biographies and read 6-8 magazines a month, mostly stereo and music related
Headphone Inventory
Koss UR 40,
Koss Pro 35
Stax SR-5
Sennheiser 410
HiFiMan HE 400S
Headphone Amp Inventory
Matrix Audio DAC/amplifier HPA 2C Classic
Source Inventory
Pioneer, Denon and Sony SACD
McIntosh, Pioneer, Onkyo, Marantz, Antique Sound Labs & HH Scott amplification
Bellari and McIntosh preamps
Marantz/Clearaudio, ProJect, Technics and Music Hall turntables
Clearaudio, Dynavector, Grado, Ortofon and Audio Technica carts
Cable Inventory
Monster, Omni, AR
Other Audio Equipment
Several pairs of Magnepan speakers
Vienna Acoustics, Advent, Polk, Sansui speakers
Audio-Related Tweaks
record label clamps
Music Preferences
non-electronic (non-sampled) music
records in my collection span 130 years
I have bought 16 Macintosh computers, 5 iPhones and 6 iPods in 20 years
Own a record store called Feed Your Head Music
I also photo retouch full time