Recent content by thomas
  1. thomas

    Do you guys really think the DIY'ers can sustain this market?

    Quote: When folks do stuff like copy and post the circuit for the RA-1 that does nothing top help our end of the hobby one bit. Actually, the RA-1 design was practically common knowledge to DIY ever since the DIY boards at headwize were started about 5 years ago. Since there are few...
  2. thomas

    I am sick of this crap we call "portable"

    "Detail" is a subjective term that's hard to relate directly to the performance of a specific component- a lack of detail could be caused by distortion, poor high frequency response, or compressed dynamics, which could be solved by improving the amplifier. Anything that makes the output signal...
  3. thomas

    I am sick of this crap we call "portable"

    Quote: Is there something about the setup you’re suggesting that would keep it from being portable to this degree? Nope, not at all- But when i mean portable, i'm speaking from my own experience, usually using it on the bus or jogging- in that case, i want the whole system to be small...
  4. thomas

    I am sick of this crap we call "portable"

    Quote: This alone proves that it’s not an either/or choice. It IS NOT just a choice between convenience and sound quality, or it didn’t used to be. There used to be a spectrum of choices. There is choice- get a good modern player like D-ej2000 or an iriver IHP, and add a headphone...
  5. thomas

    Best Portable CD player currently?

    The D-ej01 does have a terrible headphone out, but it also has a very warm, smooth line-out- one of the best of any player i've used (not very many)... Even Keven Gilmore used a D-ej01 with his portable STAX setup.... So if you're using an amp, its one of the best players- not very many...
  6. thomas

    Stax headphones with regular amps?

    Disclaimer- I've never actually seen a set of electrostatic headphones in my life, so my description might not be completely accurate... I don't think your descriptions of the cables is correct, AFAIK there's no way to send power on one set of wires and a signal on the other, and combine...
  7. thomas

    Are all Optical/Digital outs on PCDP's the same?

    First off, G-protection does not use compression, though many of the older "classics" with 40 second buffers did use compresion I have a 5 year old Sony D-ej01, the first with G-protection. It uses a 16 mbit DRAM chip for the antiskip buffer, and gives about 11 seconds between physically...
  8. thomas

    Hubble Images - Warning: graphics heavy
  9. thomas

    Explain tubes to me...

    I just found out that the professor for my analog electronics course (just started this week), Dr. Lloyd Pepperd, is the owner/designer of the Mapletree line of amplifiers... As a professior of solid state electronics at one of canada's major research universities (Queen's), he is an expert...
  10. thomas

    This Thread Will Self-Destruct in 5 seconds....

    Quote: Thomas, That is a part of doppler effect. This moving boundary changes the effective path of sound in the frame of reference of the audience. However, what you suggest is very difficult to do. And you can achieve the same effect by moving transducer in the air. (no need for...
  11. thomas

    This Thread Will Self-Destruct in 5 seconds....

    Quote: You're right, it doesn't. I was just quoting the explanation I got on the web, will have to look into it later, when I get back. moral of the story, don't listen to chemists trying to explain physics My post above appears to be a valid proof that frequency does not change...
  12. thomas

    This Thread Will Self-Destruct in 5 seconds....

    Ok, i've figured out a way for all this to work.... First, the frequency does not change when passing from argon to air- here's a "thought experiment" that proves it- send two pulses from a speaker, exactly five seconds apart, in a normal room.... They will arrive at your ears some time...
  13. thomas

    This Thread Will Self-Destruct in 5 seconds....

    Quote: thomas - Wavelength and frequency are directly related... Wavelength = 1/f see peterR's post.... i think you mixed up the equation for perod and wavelength, period=1/f.... Quote: The reason helium works is it's lighter, so your vocal cords travel at a faster...
  14. thomas

    This Thread Will Self-Destruct in 5 seconds....

    (sorry, i was late to this thread so i'm not sure exactly how your project works.... If it creates sound based on resonance like wodgy describes, then it may work, but if it uses the gas to change the frequency of the sound directly, i don't think it will work) Quote: Actually, this is...
  15. thomas

    Killer deal- $200 hot-air SMD station with vaccum pickup

    Keep in mind that SMD stations are much more useful for circuit rework/repair than assembly, and are useless for through hole audio circuits (ie any of the projects you'll see here). The ocassional SMD part you'll run into will be much easier to solder with a good temp controlled iron with a...