Recent content by thedauntlessone
  1. thedauntlessone

    I could use some suggestions for custom in-ear monitors

    My UE 10 Pro broke awhile ago. I bought that one used so it wasn't that expensive. However, I prefer to buy brand new this time and I've been looking at the UE 4 Pro or the Livewire Trips for a budget CIEM. Any other suggestions are much appreciated.   Headphones that I currently use...
  2. thedauntlessone

    Looking to buy DJ headphones

    I'm looking to learn how to DJ and was hoping someone could recommend me some good DJ headphones. Any suggestion is welcome but I don't want to spend too much (under 200). Thanks
  3. thedauntlessone

    Audiotrak Prodigy HD2 install problem on Win7

    Nvm, it's not an install problem, my computer is not detecting the pci card for whatever reason.
  4. thedauntlessone

    IEMs reshelled into Custom Molds $80 in the USA (TripleFi 10, SE530, etc.) from FISHER HEARING

    Great service. I opted for rush because I live in Canada. They shipped out on Wednesday and I received today (friday). First pair of customs but i think there's a small fit problem for my left ear. Either way I'm still impressed by their services.
  5. thedauntlessone

    JH Audio JH-3A

    However, it still burns those new JH16Pro owners. I would rather compensate my new customers than burn them. Releasing a product that would eventually have an "upgrade" version so closely is just bad business imo.
  6. thedauntlessone

    First pair of custom IEM

    Thanks for the inputs. The JH7 is a bit out of my price range. Would love to keep them within 500 dollars though I was really tempted by the JH11 going for 850.   I was thinking of buying Livewire Trip but then I read somewhere they CS is really bad and I read many places that the Fidelity...
  7. thedauntlessone

    First pair of custom IEM

    I'm getting my ear impression done on Tuesday to order a pair of custom IEM. I'm looking around and there seems to be more custom IEMs as before. I was looking at Livewire but they don't seem to be a viable choice nowadays. Anyone have suggestions or recommendations?    Thanks
  8. thedauntlessone

    Looking to make the jump to vinyl

    I'm also looking to make the jump to vinyl... it's hard to find stuff like this in Canada.
  9. thedauntlessone

    Skullcandy - Shady business model

    Quote: Originally Posted by Uncle Erik How did you know that Skullcandy didn't change the drivers or the enclosure? Production changes happen. Also, don't run down Skullcandy. I'm not defending their products, but if you want to make your case, talk up the good headphones and ignore...
  10. thedauntlessone

    Skullcandy - Shady business model

    I was on another forum telling people to not purchase Skullcandy headphones and decided to visit their website. I remember a little while back, the lowrider phones were listed with 100-18k frequency range here. Now if you look again, it says 18-20k hz noted here. I guess it's hard to do anything...
  11. thedauntlessone

    Rank the Headphones that You Own.

    Stax Lambda Nova Classic Darth Beyer V3 w/ blackgold HF-1 HD580 w/ spc cable DT770 Pro/80ohm disliked AD900 SR225 I really like the Lambda. My next purchase would probably be a more expensive Stax phone because they provide me exactly what I want. I still have fond memories of my...
  12. thedauntlessone

    Denon AHD-2000 -> dedicated Amp or not?

    Quote: Originally Posted by drader If you think about it - you are asking a lot from one of those little Op-amps: to get full control over the movement of that 2" driver takes a LOT of current and no little single chip is going to be able to do that. They can pass a signal just fine...
  13. thedauntlessone

    Skullcandy Full Metal Jacket.

    And he was impressed by a Skull Candy.
  14. thedauntlessone

    Electrostats : How to start?

    Quote: Originally Posted by dcpoor yeah, the prices have been pretty bonkers lately. you have to be lucky and catch a BUY IT NOW with a low price. I tried to coax a seller into selling it to me straight up on Ebay. Fat chance lol.