Recent content by Teddy Tc
  1. Teddy Tc

    The most beautiful headphones you know of?

    Whatever you think, you have to admit they are beautiful.
  2. Teddy Tc

    Skullcandy Aviator appreciation

    I bought a pair of these mainly because I couldn't resist the styling, and there was a sale! I have to say I thought I was going to be disappointed, and with the first few listens I was. But now I have been using them for a few weeks I have to say they are a great little pair of cans. They are...
  3. Teddy Tc

    The Beyer DT150 Experience

    I have had and used the DT150s for a few years now. I personally think they are fantastic. Soundstage IS great, and they are very engaging. Dark room, DT150, dark side of the moon. I am transported to another world! Sound is full and pretty nutral, with a nice tight bass prescience. They are...
  4. Teddy Tc

    The most beautiful headphones you know of?

    Wow, nice enclosure for what I assume is an amp?
  5. Teddy Tc

    Show us your Head-Fi station at it's current state. No old pictures please...

    2 reasons, 1. they were a Christmas gift from my girlfriend 2. I DJ quite often and for that they are good I like them for listening to club music, they basically kick me in the ears! Q701 are for home quality listening time and producing DT150 are for live engineering CAL are my little...
  6. Teddy Tc

    Show us your Head-Fi station at it's current state. No old pictures please...

    But it's soooo good, boil it, boil it more I say. Also you can actually get a great variety of tea leaves for a more tea/less chai experience. I'm off to Crawford market now to get some Darjeeling/Assam blend. Oh and to see if chor bazaar randomly has any old tube amps knocking around, worth a...
  7. Teddy Tc

    Show us your Head-Fi station at it's current state. No old pictures please...

    But it's soooo good, boil it, boil it more I say. Also you can actually get a great variety of tea leaves for a more tea/less chai experience. I'm off to Crawford market now to get some Darjeeling/Assam blend. Oh and to see if chor bazaar randomly has any old tube amps knocking around, worth a...
  8. Teddy Tc

    Show us your Head-Fi station at it's current state. No old pictures please...

    Damn cat hasn't used that thing since the first day I bought it. She prefers using the sofa to sharpen her claws, or sometimes, humans.. Oh and Q701 cable apparently is a better toy. Maybe it's the lime green colour?
  9. Teddy Tc

    Show us your Head-Fi station at it's current state. No old pictures please...

    I live in India, the tea here is amazing! Oh, and here is my cat 'guarding' my setup.
  10. Teddy Tc

    Audiophile by accident . The Hobby: An Unexpected Journey

    Dan, thank you for this thread.. Twice now in the last two months I've read your journey, such a riveting set of stories, told in a very engaging way. You have also firmed up my belief that the LCD2 would be a perfect remedy for my current upgraditis. er.. wait.. I mean the perfect compliment...
  11. Teddy Tc

    [REVIEW] Creative Aurvana In-Ear2

    I just got these, loving them so far. Bass is clean and extends well. Maybe the highs are a little recessed but I'm also not used to wearing IEMs and they are brand new so I have to get use to them before I can comment further. I love the look as well. Oh I know it's an old thread but I live in...
  12. Teddy Tc

    Zik or H&K bt?

    I'm asking primarily about SQ, does anyone have any comparisons? Both wired and across BT battery life info and durability impressions would be nice. I'll use them with wire at home but fly often so i want a nice pair to take with me. I know the Zik has noise cancelling, does it work well? The...
  13. Teddy Tc

    FiiO E17 "ALPEN" - First Impression + Final Thought

    FIIO I have only one complaint. Please make the very good quality velvet bag that you ship with it slightly larger. With the rubber straps on I cannot put the amp and iPhone in the bag together. Sooooooo annoying. Other than that i have only praise for the little piece of kit that is the E17...
  14. Teddy Tc

    Q701 impressions thread

    I sometimes use mine with my little E17 and it works a treat. You may need to go to 12gain in the amp tho, but the sound is good.