Recent content by Tebe
  1. Tebe

    Headamp Blue Hawaii Special Edition

    I've been listening to hugo/bhse/009 for a couple weeks now. I used psvane el34ph tubes at first because so many ppl here said it's a lot better than stock tubes. However I became having listening fatigue and some songs which i played before sounded a little better, more colourful and larger but...
  2. Tebe

    Headamp Blue Hawaii Special Edition

    Yep, you dont need to do anything about it! Tubes are matched quad and Justin does adjust offset before shipping :)
  3. Tebe

    Headamp Blue Hawaii Special Edition

    Sound becomes better after couple hours! I would not change anything of bhse sound. It just disappears..
  4. Tebe

    Headamp Blue Hawaii Special Edition

    I got my bhse today and all I can say I am 100% happy. Great job Justin! First time I hear 3d like sound from my 009 after couple hours burn in! And IMO 009/bhse is not bright setup even using stock tubes (havent tried el34ph yet which i already have) I use my uncle's audio gd dac at this moment...
  5. Tebe

    Headamp Blue Hawaii Special Edition

    Congrats all who got amp! Im sorry to hear that Ali. Could you post some pics? This doesn't sound familiar with bhse, must be very rare and somekind of accident! :( I wish everyone else are 100% happy with their bhse!
  6. Tebe

    Headamp Blue Hawaii Special Edition

    Shipping notice from fedex on tuesday, maybe arrives home tomorrow! Thanks Justin one more time! :-)
  7. Tebe

    Headamp Blue Hawaii Special Edition

    I am in batch #4 and I did get the final payment notice in february but no shipping notice yet.. It might take a little time but i believe the rest of the batch 4 will ship very soon.. so I just need to be patient! Great news is my friend borrowed me he's 007t amp so i can enjoy my 009's while...
  8. Tebe

    Headamp Blue Hawaii Special Edition

    How's batch 4 going? Any estimated date for shipping? I hope it will be soon, cant wait to listen to my 009 and friend's 007mk1 with bhse :)
  9. Tebe

    Headamp Blue Hawaii Special Edition

    I got final payment notice on february 2nd and havent got shipping notice yet. Im wondering is here anyone else in the same situation? Cant wait the day I finally get my black beauty home! 
  10. Tebe

    Headamp Blue Hawaii Special Edition

    Me too! I ordered mine Q4/14, final payment notice feb 2016, no shipping notice and my bhse is 230V. Not a long time to wait anymore I suppose! 
  11. Tebe

    Headamp Blue Hawaii Special Edition

    I got final payment notice a few weeks ago so i quess i will get mine very soon! And thanks for update Justin! 
  12. Tebe

    Headamp Blue Hawaii Special Edition

    Check email Justin, I sent you a message. It's very important.
  13. Tebe

    Headamp Blue Hawaii Special Edition

    I did make a final payment. It was about 6 months ago or so. I wanted to pay it because I was worried about euro's value, and I didn't know that I will be moving to a new apartment. 
  14. Tebe

    Headamp Blue Hawaii Special Edition

    Its very hard to communicate with Justin sometimes. I'm waiting for my amp patiently and I've moved to new apartment a few weeks ago. I have tried to contact Justin many times and tell him my new address but I never got confirmation that he got my message.. I hope he will ask it before shipping...
  15. Tebe

    The Stax Thread III

    Thanks for amp comparison :) what do you guys think about nekoaudio dac for 009/bhse?