Recent content by tankdriver
  1. tankdriver

    T200 owners, I finally found some replacement tubes!

    Do anyone know whether the T200 has an auto-mute section for the speaker-outputs, when you plug in the headphone? My brother is thinking on getting this amp because of its functionality and low price. Thanks in advance for your reply.
  2. tankdriver

    High quality tube amp

    I'd like to recommend the WooAudio 2. Great sounding and should drive many headphone's. Plus you can do tube-rolling for relatively little money.
  3. tankdriver

    Tool - my last rock concert

    I was at the show in Düsseldorf too and felt the same way cosmopragma did. When the band started to play I thought about going out. My saneness was clearly against the show, but my heart wanted to see and hear them. So I stayed and after 2 songs or so the pain was tolerable. But what made me...
  4. tankdriver

    Little HD650 issue

    Damn, that was great. Even if the volume was way too loud for my very sensitive ears. After the first two songs I wasn't able to hear the croud clapping and screaming. But after a short while I got used to it. Sorry for the insane OT, but I just had to share this happening. No further...
  5. tankdriver

    Little HD650 issue

    Düsseldorf is sold out, too. Will try getting a place where sound AND sight are good. Were many people poging in Luxembourg? Hope I can enjoy TOOL without damages and **** like that.
  6. tankdriver

    Little HD650 issue

    Man, I'm sooo nervous... How big was the hall in Luxemburg? I lubricated it with WD40. Many movements didn't help as well. Is there a way to open the joint?
  7. tankdriver

    Little HD650 issue

    So much HD650 owners but no one else realized that? Maybe my 650s are now in the winter sleep because the brand new K701s get the most attention, and my MS-2i's aren't fully discovered, too. But I'd like to fix it because I'm an absurdly perfectionist.
  8. tankdriver

    GS1000 on EBay

    Nice guy to deal with, got my wonderful MS-2i from him and we are still in contact debating GS-1000 and so on. He don't want to make big business anyway. He bought the GS-1000s and they didn't satisfy him. So he'll just sell them.
  9. tankdriver

    Little HD650 issue

    Hi folks. I got a small problem with my HD650s. The left joint between headband and driver housing screeches. It still works, but its much stiffer than the right one. I tried to lubricate it but that didn't help. Any ideas how to fix that without sending them to Sennheiser? That shouldn't...
  10. tankdriver

    Just got my Alessandro MS-2i today !!

    I know what you mean by positioning. For me I have to find the right position, and then I'm ready to enjoy the music. Sometimes I could move them a bit, but if I don't my ears become used to it and after one cd I don't even feel this little teasing. The Pads will become softer with use, too...
  11. tankdriver

    My take on the K701 and comfort of headphones

    Comfort impressions are the same as sound impressions, always subjective. Everyone has other ears and heads. For me I had to widen up the headbands on all my phones. But most the Alessandros and the 650s. The 650s did pressure to strong against my jaw, so I got headache. But I just placed...
  12. tankdriver

    Just got my Alessandro MS-2i today !!

    First I was very disappointed at the comfort of these cans. Without the Internet I didn't figure out to wide the headband cause we had big problems with our telephone and network-system. Second problem was that I just wore them wrong. The driver housings were pushing again my ears and it hurted...
  13. tankdriver

    Just got my Alessandro MS-2i today !!

    My brother came home from college and shouted he'd be having a package for me cause he met the courier on his way home. I wasn't sure whether it would be my ordered power cords or the phones. But when I took it I was sure. Damn, these beauties must be anorexic. So I unpacked it and found...
  14. tankdriver

    Woo3 0r Woo2?

    Nevertheless the Philips ECG are crap in the Woo2.
  15. tankdriver

    Woo3 0r Woo2?

    Might it was only my pair, but go replacing the Philips ECG 6922 ASAP. Today I took the strong matched and balanced chinese made 6922 from my brother and heard them in the Woo. I couldn't believe the improvement. The bass became very tight and much more structured. Mids were more balanced...