Recent content by Taikero
  1. Taikero

    Denon AH-D1200 portable over-ear impressions, appreciation, and discussion thread.

    They seem like they would be difficult to remove. I'm not even sure if it's intended, which is a bit unfortunate considering the MSRP of these headphones. Ear pads eventually break down, so if these can't be replaced, that puts a finite time line on the longevity of these. Not that I'm...
  2. Taikero

    Denon AH-D1200 portable over-ear impressions, appreciation, and discussion thread.

    Does anybody have insight on aftermarket cables (with or without mic, already looked at eBay, cable connection is quite recessed so not all cables will work) or replacing the ear pads on these? Just got a new pair of these and the mic cable is really finicky (e.g. crap at maintaining a quality...
  3. Taikero

    Klipsch X5 vs. Etymotic HF5

    Unless Klipsch has improved the durability of their IEMs, I would pick up the HF5 (or maybe give the Phonak PFE a whirl. I haven't tried it personally but it seems to be a well-liked IEM in this general price point). With Klipsch gels the HF5 is one of my favorite IEMs, being comfortable...
  4. Taikero

    BS2B Crossfeed Plugin v3.0 Released For Foobar2000, Winamp, & Audacious!

    Posting to let you all know that as of the 22nd v3.0 for Winamp has been released (Which also means support for MediaMonkey and AIMP2, among others).
  5. Taikero

    BS2B Crossfeed Plugin v3.0 Released For Foobar2000, Winamp, & Audacious!

    After using this for a few days, I can definitely tell this version of BS2B is much improved over previous ones. Usually I'll turn on BS2B for a while, maybe 3 days or so, and then I'll turn it off for a while because it starts to grate on me. However, I've found that I don't mind having...
  6. Taikero

    BS2B Crossfeed Plugin v3.0 Released For Foobar2000, Winamp, & Audacious!

    The BS2B plugin for foobar2000 has been updated as of April 7th. Bauer stereophonic-to-binaural DSP for foobar2000 Additionally, on April 22nd v3.0 for Winamp (supporting MediaMonkey and AIMP2 also) was released. Bauer stereophonic-to-binaural DSP for...
  7. Taikero

    First listening impressions/reviews of Q1 2009 Purity Audio Kicas and Caliente Group buy

    Quote: Originally Posted by oqvist bass control? You mean it´s tight bass? Still good extension? Correct. Also, because of the rather impressive P.R.a.T. the amp has, if a bass hit has higher frequencies associated with it (certain kinds of drum hits, as the most obvious...
  8. Taikero

    First listening impressions/reviews of Q1 2009 Purity Audio Kicas and Caliente Group buy

    I got the materials together to do the fiberloft pad mod on my D5000s yesterday, making the pads 33%-50% thicker. Noticeable differences: Slight weight increase, slight increase in clamping pressure Larger sound stage, mostly in width but slightly in depth Due to the slight angle of the...
  9. Taikero

    First listening impressions/reviews of Q1 2009 Purity Audio Kicas and Caliente Group buy

    Quote: Originally Posted by wovenhand Anyone who has ordered & received the "regular" K.I.C.A.S. and wish to post their initial impressions? I have received mine and posted some thoughts in this thread (as well as a minor blurb or two in the Group Buy thread). I leave the amp...
  10. Taikero

    First listening impressions/reviews of Q1 2009 Purity Audio Kicas and Caliente Group buy

    I'm actually kinda' wishing I got the blue now. It's a very nice look. Earlier today I was listening to music as usual, and I caught myself waiting for certain parts of songs to muddy up or bass hits to "thud" instead of hit, which is what had always happened before. The K.I.C.A.S. was able...
  11. Taikero

    What do you think is the best AMP for $200 - $300?

    I would pick the Purity Audio K.I.C.A.S. Caliente here. It's already known to work well with the HD650, and I can't help but imagine it would pair superbly with the HFI-780 for two reasons. 1) The Caliente has absolutely superb control over the low end spectrum. 2) The HFI-780 is somewhat...
  12. Taikero

    First listening impressions/reviews of Q1 2009 Purity Audio Kicas and Caliente Group buy

    Wanted to throw up some pictures of my K.I.C.A.S. Sorry for the camera phone quality. After listening all day, all I can say is the tonality and P.R.a.T. is killer with this amp! (BTW, that's an unmodded Denon D5000, but it will soon have the pad mod applied once I get some fiberloft in next...
  13. Taikero

    First listening impressions/reviews of Q1 2009 Purity Audio Kicas and Caliente Group buy

    I would like to commend Oriel and Peter for creating a product which thrills from the moment you pull it out of the box. I received my K.I.C.A.S. just before lunch today and I must say I am nothing but thrilled with the combination of the K.I.C.A.S. and my D5000s. Fed through the E-MU 0404...
  14. Taikero

    Pagin LFF, yet another audio horror.

    Quote: Originally Posted by Suntory_Times In fact, I want to change my sig so the vinyl bieng held is dark sidfe of the moon, but alas, my computer skills are to low for that. If you happened to have a larger resolution file of your avatar and perhaps even a photograph of your...
  15. Taikero

    Do you like lamb?

    Lamb is good stuff, but my all-time favorite has to be Elk. Absolutely delicious with great texture. It's a bit harder to find for the average person though, so I usually content myself with turkey, beef, and chicken. Ham has to be my least favorite (Although everybody loves bacon). I'm also a...