Recent content by tackytiger
  1. tackytiger

    New Head-Fi Update

    While not exactly aesthetically pleasing, maybe this change is moving towards a more open era for Head-Fi. Let's face it, the site has always been about promotion of the sponsors primarily. At least now it's a bit more transparent what sort of site you're on.
  2. tackytiger

    SansaClip+ Rockbox Impressions thread

      I wonder if you've got the backlight switched off.   If you can mount the device, try deleting/ renaming /.rockbox/config.cfg.   Alternatively, try shining a torch/ flashlight on the LCD.   Edit: Sorry, reading back through the entries, I see you've restored the OF.
  3. tackytiger

    The iBasso DX50 Thread - Latest firmware: 1.9.5 - June 30, 2016

    Kouzelna: Assuming your audio is all 44.1/48kHz, have you tried the DX50 Rockbox port?   I've never had any problems with large playlists with it, plus you'll get true gapless and many other features.
  4. tackytiger


      To follow up on this, it looks like it's possible, just need to buy one now :)   The Windows .exe file is a cabinet file;   $ cabextract -l NW-A30_V1_10.exe -F Data/Device/NW_WM_FW.UPG Viewing cabinet: NW-A30_V1_10.exe File size | Date Time | Name...
  5. tackytiger


      I'm still trying to decide whether to buy one, it'd be a gamble without knowing whether I can upgrade the firmware or not.   I'll probably just buy a device where you can copy an image to the root of the device.
  6. tackytiger


      That's a pity, I run Linux on my machine.
  7. tackytiger


      You copied a Windows executable directly to the device and it did a successful update?   To be clear, I won't be able to install "Sony MediaGo".
  8. tackytiger


    Does this device act as a USB mass storage device, or do you have to install some Sony application on a commercial OS?   Edit: I only ask because apparently you need an application to update the firmware (rather than placing an image in the root) and it got me worrying;  ...
  9. tackytiger

    beyerdynamic T51p & T51i impressions thread

    I find the isolation of the T51 to be just as good as my Senn HD-25.
  10. tackytiger


    At the root, it's probably so they don't have to pay licensing fees for AptX.
  11. tackytiger

    Which is better buy Fiio X1 or Sony NW-E394 Walkman Digital Music Player.

    I'd have a read through the Fiio X1 2 thread before you buy it, seems the firmware needs a lot of work;
  12. tackytiger

    Best Computer Audio Player Software?

      Are you using an ASIO driver at very low latency?   They were originally designed for musicians who needed the responsiveness.   For audio playback, a larger buffer gives a much smoother experience with a lower overhead.
  13. tackytiger

    FiiO X1 II (2nd Gen) w/ Bluetooth!

      Do you hear a pop when the sample rate of the preceding/ following files is the same (i.e. the same album)?