Recent content by Surge74
  1. Surge74

    World's first portable Hybrid Valve Headphone Amplifier (with a footprint smaller than most cellphones).

    I have been using mine with an iPad Pro (large screen). No issues with distortion - just keep the iPad volume at ~75%.   However, even the slightest movement will cause microphonic ringing... I knew about this before I ordered, but I didn't know it was quite so sensitive. Your really have to...
  2. Surge74

    The Sennheiser Orpheus 2? A First Look At The Sennheiser HE-1 (The New Orpheus)

    So, for what it's worth, coming from someone who has a SR-009/BHSE AND an all Kondo Japan 4 way field coil horn system (which alone cost about 50k Euros)... headphones simply don't come close to what a top end speaker system will do.    So I would never buy the new Senn system. It's just not...
  3. Surge74

    WA-234 MONO: The Latest Amplifier from Woo Audio

    Is there an actual owners' forum for the 234?
  4. Surge74

    Headamp Blue Hawaii Special Edition

      Many people think otherwise. Certainly the PS Audio people do - but you could argue they are biased and are trying to sell their own power regenerators. Search online though and you'll see that PS Audio is not alone.   I certainly wouldn't use a simple surge protector on high end audio...
  5. Surge74

    Headamp Blue Hawaii Special Edition

    Has anyone experimented with different fuses in the power supply of the BHSE?   One of mine blew and since I need to replace it anyway, thought I would look into the cryo treated, etc. fuses.   (I learned a few years ago that everything in the electrical signal's path will affect the sound…...
  6. Surge74

    Headamp Blue Hawaii Special Edition

      Congrats on your BHSE. I got mine a few months ago and loving it.   Now is that a standard (low cost) power bar you have everything plugged into?  If so, you should remove that and plug your gear directly into the wall.  Low cost power supplies reduce the current as power demands increase...
  7. Surge74

    Headamp Blue Hawaii Special Edition

    Really?! You try reading it instead of posting a condescending remark.
  8. Surge74

    Headamp Blue Hawaii Special Edition

    Any chance we can learn what tubes David1961 is using is his bhse that make it sound so much better than stock, apparently?
  9. Surge74


    Very odd - optical should not sound better than usb. Optical is restricted to a much lower sampling frequency. I believe no higher than a standard CD. You're probably comparing different recordings? Or the Mac USB input has some kind of inferior processing vs the optical. Or the source is...
  10. Surge74

    Headamp Blue Hawaii Special Edition

    I shared similar feelings. What I gleaned through emails and a few calls with Justin, is that he cares and is a perfectionist. So you'll be getting a high high quality piece. And I wouldn't worry that he won't deliver. Be prepared to wait up to 2 years, I'd say, and it will come within that...
  11. Surge74

    Headamp Blue Hawaii Special Edition

    The answer you're looking for doesn't exist. Be prepared to wait -- for an uncertain period of time. When I ordered mine in spring of 2013, I was told it would be shipping in July of that year! I just got it a few weeks ago. So it's been a "little" late. But I still love it and don't regret...
  12. Surge74

    Headamp Blue Hawaii Special Edition

    I use a PS Audio P5 AC regenerator and have a low end Shunyata cord connecting it to the BHSE. I have not compared the sound with and without the P5 for the bhse specifically, but the P5 made a significant difference with the rest of my gear, so it can only improve the bhse.
  13. Surge74

    Headamp Blue Hawaii Special Edition

    The Woo WES is an example of an amp that is unusable with unbalanced inputs. I used to own one, and there was way too much noise and a kind of hum when using the RCA inputs. Jack Woo sent me new tubes but it wasn't that. The design just doesn't work with single ended inputs, it's mislieading to...
  14. Surge74

    Headamp Blue Hawaii Special Edition

    Yes, my BHSE is noise free. It's actually the most noise free amp I've ever owned. I can turn the volume to the max and hear the faintest noise above 3 o'clock. Perhpas you have one or more bad tubes?
  15. Surge74

    Headamp Blue Hawaii Special Edition

    Just want to be clear that it was entirely my fault.  Just letting you know to be careful with the Stax jacks on your new BHSE.   I have now designed a 'strain relief' for the headphone cord, so that it will not put and undue force on the jack.