Recent content by spinali
  1. spinali

    {Poll) A consensus on Head-Fi: Does headphone break-in exist?

    I'm neutral on the issue of break-in and headphones. I'm willing to entertain the idea.   However, the mention of IEMs leaves me a little leery. It's generally acknowledged that it's physically impossible for IEMs with fixed armatures (and nearly all IEMs have fixed armatures). Physically...
  2. spinali

    {Poll) A consensus on Head-Fi: Does headphone break-in exist?

    One of the most contentious subject in Head-Fi, arguments about headphone break-in have been going on for years - and some pretty strident opinions have been exchanged. I realize that, for many, there's not much difference between headphone "break-in" and "burn-in," and I'm going to presume for...
  3. spinali

    Mac users, what are your media players?

    The sound of iTunes can vary with your Mac. Sound from a '07 MacBook seems unspecial; somehow. the '09 MacBook Pro seems to have considerably more dimension and attack. The real difference is notable with my '10 iMac - with fine stereo separation and clarity - as good as hearing a track with...
  4. spinali

    AKG K701 bass quantity - a short comparison

    My 362x, from its first year in production, sounds fine to me. But until some more listeners have a chance to preview different generations of the K701, it may be prudent to watch this skeptically - but with great interest.
  5. spinali

    I'm afraid I bought a fake ATH-ES7 from JR company

    Grotesque fakes like this Audio Technica Es7 skim the surface of the issue. No wonder there's so much confusion about the origin of manufacture.
  6. spinali

    AKG K701 & Sennheiser 650

    Finally, somebody gets around to comparing the K701 and HD650! Seriously, though, I think that the K701 excels at studio and especially chamber music, while the HD650 captures the timbre of live music more accurately. This is a good...
  7. spinali

    Removing Green Residue from MDR V6 Plug?

    Maas metal polishing creme will clean all metals. For everything from copper and brass to stainless steel, Brasso should do the trick.
  8. spinali

    Removing and cleaning earpads of the hd800.

    Hmmm. Apparently, they're made either of alacantra, Ethiopian goat scrotums, or baby sea lion scrotums. In any case, the material is soft and pliable, and the engineers ballsy enough not to include replacement info.
  9. spinali

    K702 to HD650s. Is it worth it?

    Quote: Originally Posted by Acix 701/2, 600, 650, 880, in this order. Eerie. That's exactly how I rate them (though I haven't heard the 600). I kept the K701 - even though I listen to the HD800 a bit more. My early K701 is one of my most worthwhile headphone purchases.
  10. spinali

    I machine washed my AKG K701 ear pads

    I hand washed my pair, and I was astonished at how "dirty" they'd become. Since the pads are really the only things that get soiled over time, it's routine simply to replace the pads.
  11. spinali

    Ultrasone nightmares

    Quote: Originally Posted by haloxt Did everyone forget the part where FallenAngel voided the warranty by doing a cable mod? The problem is that Ultrasone made a commitment to repair a pair of headphones, has left a repeat customer in the lurch, and ignored one of the basics of...
  12. spinali

    HD800 and Stax Lambda Pro etc comparison?

    Jay, like...calm down. It's just a forum.
  13. spinali

    What's the purpose of hiding the cost of items once sold?

    Gee...Whenever I've sold an item here, I put SOLD on the listing - in numerous places - but kept the price visible. I've found it useful to be able to watch pricing trends that way. After the sale, nobody has ever contacted me about price or availability.
  14. spinali

    Audio-Technica ES7 Headband Mod *lots of pics*

    It's strange how some things change, yet remain the same.
  15. spinali

    K701: I need to recable and re-terminate to 1/8". How?

    Sensible advice, but my old cable is a bit worn, and the adapter jack I'm using now is causing too much potential stress. Is this a difficult procedure, or will I need the help of someone more knowledgeable than me?