Recent content by sleek2000
Grado SR125 VS Fisher FA-003
Hi everybody, I use a Grado SR125. I got a chance to compare them with my brother's headphones FA-003. I am using them with the same player as I do with Grado. I've tried jazz with vocals such as Billie Holiday, Jeanne Lee etc. The vocals are amazing and better than in Grado. ...- sleek2000
- Thread
- fischer-audio-fa-003 grado-sr125i-headphones
- Replies: 1
- Forum: Headphones (full-size)
Review: ZERO 24 BIT/192KHz DAC/Headphone Amp/Pre-Amp
Hi Everybody, I've got a Grado SR125, I use them with my ESI Julia sound card and I want to get a better sound quality by connecting a DAC (for example ZERO 24 BIT) to the Julia sound card. I read the post above about the problems with the hiss. I just wonder if is it possible to fix...- sleek2000
- Post #9,274
- Forum: Headphone Amps (full-size)