Recent content by Sir Gray
  1. Sir Gray

    Review by 'Sir Gray' on item 'Xiaomi Mi Headphone'

    This is the first pair of headphones by Xiaomi, who have previously gained their popularity with a series of pistons and their earbuds. They were  announced in January, but only came out this April.     Those headphones were marketed as a custom-made gadget for the Xiaomi RedMi phone, but...
  2. Sir Gray

    Plantronics Gamecom 780

    I have had this Plantronics Gamecom 780 head set for some time now, and I’d like to share my experience with you here.   I have seen both good and disappointing reviews about this headset, but overall, from my point of view, the negative tends to be exaggerated.   Although made entirely of...
  3. Sir Gray

    Hello fellow audiophile freeks

      ...And with this generic dummy head we get back to the duscussion of how tight they are putting it's headphones on :-) So, the circle is closed, congratulations!   I think statistics would help you out here better: give the headphones to 100 dummy people and listen to what they have to say...
  4. Sir Gray

    Hello fellow audiophile freeks

    This is getting rather philosofical hear! Are you sure you are hearing the sounds or experiencing the colours in the same way I do? Are you sure you actually exist? That you are not just my imagination? Does sound exist? 
  5. Sir Gray

    Does USB 3.0 matter?

    Thanks for the advice! I am not using a DAC just yet, but it sounds like a good idea :-)
  6. Sir Gray

    Hello fellow audiophile freeks

    Most of the time, if you buy good quality, things go along for several years.  I'm not sure about decades, because, honestly, I haven't got almost anything that is decades old (or that I would want to keep for decades, either).   If you buy okay quality (like I, admittedly, often do), it's not...
  7. Sir Gray

    Does USB 3.0 matter?

    Thank you. And how about usb vs the old school audio jack? Assuming that you are not using any particularly incredible sound card.
  8. Sir Gray

    Hello fellow audiophile freeks

    Hi Zippersnapper. Although I more than agree on your grain of salt approach, I have two little remarks:     It would be silly to ask somebody to review the taste of ham from your local supermarket. Does it taste good? Sure thing, pal... What you rather want to hear: is it fresh, salty or...
  9. Sir Gray

    Does USB 3.0 matter?

    So, I' wasn't sure whether to post it here or in the "computer audio" forum, but it looks like I don't have access to post in this other section anyway ;-)   The question is, does it matter for your headset/headphones which USB port you use?  I personally have been plugging mine into any of...
  10. Sir Gray

    Headphones or speakers?

    Billybob, your "dancing shivas" look like they can give a boost :-) It is something for a mancave in the attic, though, rather than for a living room. You use it for private parties?
  11. Sir Gray

    Headphones or speakers?

    No, I actually ment an installation that woks besides your computer. I either watch series on my tablet or movies on my TV, so there, a nice audio system is more useful than computer speakers.   Yes, I know that I probably could connect everything together into one big wired network and use...
  12. Sir Gray

    Headphones or speakers?

    Something that has been bugging me for a while now: do I actually need speakers for my computer?   I used to pay little attention to sound systems on my computer in the past - as long as I could hear anything. Later I moved to laptops, with built-in dynamics and connected headphones.   ...
  13. Sir Gray

    New Member Introductions thread

    Hi All, I am getting more and more interested in high quality sound, so this seemed like a nice place to start :)
  14. Sir Gray

    Original Xiaomi 1 More Design In-ear Headphones

    I got them for my GF a couple of weeks agom and she is pretty happy with them. Not that she is a great music enthousiast, but they do the job your ear plugs are designed to be doing. If someone is interested, we can make a quick review.