Recent content by sinkr
  1. sinkr

    Stax SR-009 Channel Imbalance Trouble / Driver Problem?

    I actually never sent them off. I traded a few emails with Spritzer, who made my energizer, and he gave me the suggestion to disconnect them, touch all the contacts of the connector and to "smack" the affected side and the sound came back to normal. He did, however, recommend the ESLab ES1a...
  2. sinkr

    STAX SR-009S new flagship electrostatic earspeakers released (with impressions)

    Not to hijack the thread or anything, but I have a pair of ES1a headphones coming in for an audition, per @spritzer's recommendation. There's scant info on head-fi about these new phones, but at circa $1650 USD they certainly are intriguing.
  3. sinkr

    Stax SR-009 Channel Imbalance Trouble / Driver Problem?

    The 1080 includes labor, but they caveat it with it might change. Unsure if return shipping is included, but you gotta pay to get it to Woo who will ship to Japan, for instance. Other retailers shipping assistance may vary or be nonexistent like Headamp’s reply to me on the issue.
  4. sinkr

    Stax SR-009 Channel Imbalance Trouble / Driver Problem?

    I was able to get a quote from STAX Japan for the replacement of the drivers in my 009 headphones at $1080.00 USD. Given that I could find no historical data on driver repair costs, I hope this info will be of use in the future. While I’m a little miffed at Woo not being able to give me even a...
  5. sinkr

    STAX SR-009S new flagship electrostatic earspeakers released (with impressions)

    Well it's far better'n water and volts! :)
  6. sinkr

    STAX SR-009S new flagship electrostatic earspeakers released (with impressions)

    I’m aware of UV degradation in general. My question was about the CPC-1 STAX plastic cover and it not mentioning if it was UV resistant (for the sake of the headphones). Since the CPC-1 is not a cheap product and if STAX were interested in protecting against UV, this product would filter out...
  7. sinkr

    STAX SR-009S new flagship electrostatic earspeakers released (with impressions)

    BTW, the UV thing is new to me. I don't have this issue because where the headphones are used and stored doesn't have a window nearby, however, I do have the CPC-1 (STAX plastic cover + wooden stand). Out of interest, I tried to see if there was any mention about this cover offering any UV...
  8. sinkr

    STAX SR-009S new flagship electrostatic earspeakers released (with impressions)

    Well, the first instinct the manufacturer, a reseller, or a fellow hobbyist is to assume that the person experiencing problems has done something negligent to cause the issue, however, I can assure you that this is not the case. I traded some emails with @spritzer about this issue, who made my...
  9. sinkr

    STAX SR-009S new flagship electrostatic earspeakers released (with impressions)

    To marry a question I posed on another thread here on head-fi and a comment here, regarding if the 009S is an upgrade over the 009 is, and I know the 009S is so new there may not be data, but has anyone, on the 009S, suffered a permanent channel imbalance that has required repair? For the...
  10. sinkr

    Stax SR-009 Channel Imbalance Trouble / Driver Problem?

    It's a solid state amp.
  11. sinkr

    Stax SR-009 Channel Imbalance Trouble / Driver Problem?

    Whelp, today I put on my SR-009 'phones that I bought from Woo Audio in 2018 to find that my left channel was noticeably lower than the right. I did a full system reset, tried different songs, and even had my wife listen and it's official, the left channel is much less louder than the right...
  12. sinkr

    STAX SR-009S new flagship electrostatic earspeakers released (with impressions)

    I'll 2nd this. I'm happier'n a pig in crap with my Mjolnir Carbon CC!
  13. sinkr

    Double Helix Cables Thread

    UE 18+ Pros, DHC Symbiote Elite 19, and Chord Hugo 2.
  14. sinkr

    Double Helix Cables Thread

    Beautiful. I can't wait for my Symbiote Elite 19s to come back with IPX connectors (for UE headphones)!
  15. sinkr

    Double Helix Cables Thread

    Crikey. I just realized that DHC offers IPX SuperBax from @joshuachew in this thread. That does it. I'm sending in my UE18+s to be upgraded and sending my Symbiote Elite 19 back to Peter for retrofit!