Recent content by simpleme
  1. simpleme

    Right angled TRRS (iphone) male jack to female jack adapter in Europe

    Hi All,   Given that my amp (FiiO E02i) that I use on my iphone (with mic) has a straight jack, it is quite susceptible to internal breaking of the wiring. I already had to replace one after a month. Yet, I am very fond of the mic capabilties and thus want to keep using it with my iphone...
  2. simpleme

    Will a lowend portable amp boost the sound quality of my noise cancelling headphones in passive mode?

    Hi All,   First off, I am not an audiophile. I like good music and I fly a lot. Therefore I decided to buy headphones with active NC (I have done my research and know I sacrifice some sounds quality for the NC). So I have bought the ATHC-AND7b (price/quality better than the bose QC imho)...
  3. simpleme

    Will a low-end portable amp boost the sound quality of my noise cancelling headphones in passivem mode?

    Hi All,   First off, I am not an audiophile. I like good music and I fly a lot. Therefore I decided to buy headphones with active NC (I have done my research and know I sacrifice some sounds quality for the NC). So I have bought the ATHC-AND7b (price/quality better than the bose QC imho)...