Recent content by SilentNote
  1. SilentNote

    R2R/multibit vs Delta-Sigma - Is There A Measurable Scientific Difference That's Audible

    But I’m Flash. When I travel at light speed, femtoseconds are too long (and audible).
  2. SilentNote

    Sample Rate, Bit Depth and High Resolution Audio

    Yea when I was 16 I could hear 21 kHz. I was the 2 students out of the entire class that could hear that in a physics class. Now I can barely hear 17.5 kHz. Hahaha.
  3. SilentNote

    Sample Rate, Bit Depth and High Resolution Audio

    I realized something today. 20 kHz and above is technically called "ultrasound". I think it might be helpful to start using the actual term instead of 30kHz etc. It would probably be clearer to people when asked: "Are you saying you can hear ultrasound?" than "no one can hear 30kHz." etc.
  4. SilentNote

    If you still love Etymotic ER4, this is the thread for you...

    Heck I run my ER4SR directly through my phone. The convenience and portability can’t be beat for a sound quality that even more expensive setups may not surpass.
  5. SilentNote

    What science is and how it works - especially in relation to sound science

    In my opinion, sound science is indeed a banishment group. Which is odd, why is scientific discussion and DBT banished? I was always told that when something doesn't make any sense, think money. Science and DBT are the strongest tools to fight excessive expenditure on worthless crap, you bet a...
  6. SilentNote

    What science is and how it works - especially in relation to sound science

    Nice read. Although if you think that speech enables you to write off whatever you wish from the sound science forum as cargo cult science, you are hugely mistaken.
  7. SilentNote

    Balanced Vs Unbalanced

    The benefit is going to be small if any, however if your source has balanced and you wanna use it, sure go ahead, it won't hurt. Balanced generally has a slightly higher volume, reduces some crosstalk but really quite minor to make a huge fuss out of. Use whatever is convenient and is on your...
  8. SilentNote

    Your “Must Replace if Breaks” Gear?

    Gotta be the ER4SR... I'd be super sad if my Acoustune 1670SS breaks, I'll try to have it repaired if at all possible, but I don't think I can do without the ER4SR.
  9. SilentNote

    What science is and how it works - especially in relation to sound science

    Maybe because there's a something towards being sincere, honest and truthful.
  10. SilentNote

    How wide is the gap between TOTL IEM/headphones to midfi gear?

    Yea look at the price of the TOTLs these days. They must have like doubled or tripled in pricing. Of course the margin for diminishing return starts much lower than what I've described, I was just loosely categorizing based on what you get at a price point. In short <$250 there will be...
  11. SilentNote

    How wide is the gap between TOTL IEM/headphones to midfi gear?

    For IEMs, anything below $250 you are generally trading something for the lower price, be it uncontrolled bass, weaker vocals or screamy trebles. There are a few gems under this price that may be good enough, but when A/B'd they will show their weakness. Nothing wrong with that of course and...
  12. SilentNote

    What science is and how it works - especially in relation to sound science

    While I can definitely understand that perspective, I think it is disingenuous and dishonest to profess having no ulterior motive, just to be proven otherwise after. He would not have come anywhere close to being treated this way if he approached the forum with respect and did not attempt to...
  13. SilentNote

    R2R/multibit vs Delta-Sigma - Is There A Measurable Scientific Difference That's Audible

    Nope, gravity still acts on the DACs even when they have reached terminal velocity. Gravity keeps accelerating at ~ -9.8m/s^2 and drag keeps doing the opposite until it reaches +9.8m/s^2. During the terminal velocity, -9.8m/s^2 + 9.8m/s^2 = 0 m/s^2, therefore no more change in velocity will...
  14. SilentNote

    R2R/multibit vs Delta-Sigma - Is There A Measurable Scientific Difference That's Audible

    Same rate as in same velocity between both objects. Not same rate as in constant velocity. The rate of change will be ~ -9.8 m/s^2. In other words, if it is now static, after one second the velocity will be at 9.8 m/s, the next second, at 19.6m/s so on and so forth, assuming there's no drag /...
  15. SilentNote

    R2R/multibit vs Delta-Sigma - Is There A Measurable Scientific Difference That's Audible

    Yes, they fall at the same rate in vacuum. As there nothing else acting on them besides the same acceleration due to gravity. For real world scenario, it is highly unlikely that two DACs will arrive at the same time, unless they have the same air resistance acting on them. In short if the air...