Recent content by shinn
  1. shinn

    Astell & Kern AK120 impression thread

    Does the AK120 EQ works on Line Out? I would like to boost the bass of my speakers via the LO through to my speaker amp.
  2. shinn

    Apex Glacier amp/dac review and appreciation thread

    Quote: To you guys who already own the Glacier, do you use USB type-A to mini-B USB cable for computer uses into the Glacier's DAC? Because it's written in the manual instruction above that it is "Micro USB port" while I initially thought that the Glacier's input is Mini-B USB port instead...
  3. shinn

    Night Time Shots Of Our Tubes Glowing -- Post Them Here!!

    Does anyone know which brand of 6SN7 tube glows beautifully on Woo amps? (new productions and/or NOS). Thanks for any advice :)
  4. shinn

    REVIEW: Ray Samuels Audio Dark Star solid state headphone amplifier

    Skylab, you have reviewed both the Dark Star and RWA AE, could you recall how the Dark Star sound in comparison to the AE which you own? Thanks.
  5. shinn

    REVIEW: Red Wine Audio “Audeze Edition” balanced Headphone Amplifier – DAC combo

    Hi Skylab, it seems that you have listened to the RWA Audeze Edition and Cavalli Liquid Fire on the CanJam yesterday (based on your post on the LCD-3 thread). If any, did you notice differences between those two amps sonically?   I believe and pretty much sure they are both awesome...
  6. shinn

    Amp recommendations for Audeze LCD-2

    House-sound and signature-wise, has anyone compared the Decware Taboo and Woo amps? If possible, I'm looking for more prominent midrange to bring forward my Rev-2 mids. Thanks.
  7. shinn

    REVIEW: Ray Samuels Audio Dark Star solid state headphone amplifier

    A really nice review Skylab, thanks.   When the RSA Dark Star house sound is a slightly warm-ish overall balance with lush mids and powerful bass, how about the Decware Mini Torii? Lusher or more neutral?   Which of those two offer more holographic soundstage and which is more...
  8. shinn

    Amp recommendations for Audeze LCD-2

    Hi, Do you guys think the Woo WA2 is more than sufficient to drive the LCD-2 and have some spare headroom? Good synergy? I'm aware that the WA6SE is way more powerful, but I'm afraid that it's more into Solid-State-sounding than tubey which I prefer.   Has anyone tried pairing with the...
  9. shinn

    Hifiman EF-5 for LCD-2??

    Hi, Anyone pairing the EF-5 with LCD-2? Are they a good combo together? For those of you who used to own this amp, what amp do you currently pair with the LCD-2 that provide better SQ? Thanks, would really appreciate your help!
  10. shinn

    LCD-2 (especially the Rev2 Driver) or HE-500??

    Thanks Loevhagen and Sphinxvc, really appreciate your help!   Quote: Thanks for sharing. Do you think the extended high on the LCD2 Rev2 make it as bright as the Hifiman or even brighter perhaps? Does the LCD2 have more details and even clearer sound?   The thing is I listen to...
  11. shinn

    LCD-2 (especially the Rev2 Driver) or HE-500??

    Well, quite all-round, from Pop, Rock to RnB. Some live recordings too. My current amp is the Beta22. Thanks for your response, have you had any experience with any of them or both?
  12. shinn

    LCD-2 (especially the Rev2 Driver) or HE-500??

    First of all, there seems to be no specific thread discussing these two planars at the moment.   As far as I know, both of them are quite efficient to be driven, close price difference, and the LCD-2s seem really excel in bass department (not sure how the HE-500s perform in comparison). Amp...
  13. shinn

    HiFiman HE-500 (HE as in High End) Proving to be an enjoyable experience in listening.

    Is there anyone who have tried the HE-500 with a balanced amp & system? Do you feel any improvements in sound performance? Not meant to distract this thread with balanced vs unbalanced thingy. I own the balanced HD650 myself. Cheers.
  14. shinn

    HE-500 vs HE-4 | Comparison & Review

    Well done, very nice review. How's their soundstage performed against each other and compared to the HD650? For rock music, does the HE-500 performed as engaging and aggressive as the HE-4? Thanks.
  15. shinn

    Eddie Current Super 7 (Prototype) impressions and pics

    It seems that the Super 7 would do justice for the HD800. If anyone could chime in, how's the changes in HD800 sound presentation compared to the LCD-2? Wondering whether the HD800 could compete with the fluid organic sound of the orthos. Thanks.      