Recent content by shinewu
  1. shinewu

    Cayin iDAC-6 - Review tour (USA only for now), impressions, discussion

    @Andykong I recently purchased this model. It sounds great and looks great. But I can't get it to work with 32 bit PCM output under either Windows (with latest driver) or Mac (no driver needed). I reached out to you support and they claim a firmware is under development to fix this. Clearly...
  2. shinewu

    If you still love Etymotic ER4, this is the thread for you... The original soft and transparent tri-flange tips that come with ER3/4 give me the best comfort and sound. I am not 100% sure if it is the above linked one that says "LARGE FIT|CLEAR"? Can someone confirm if it is the same as the original...
  3. shinewu

    How robust are metal shell 6SH7 tubes?

    I have the Littledot LD-Y2 300B headphone amp. And the pre-amp tubes are 6SH7, normally with metal shells. They are not expensive, about $5-$10 for a single and $10-$20 for a matched pair. Recently, I have dropped the metal shell tubes a few times to my desk while handling them. Though I can't...
  4. shinewu

    Humming sounds from new Littledot LD-Y2 300B headphone amp :(

    Also I tried just disconnect the source, the hum was still there. So it is definitely the amp.
  5. shinewu

    Humming sounds from new Littledot LD-Y2 300B headphone amp :(

    The amp's details can be found here: This is my most expensive audiophile equipment purchase. The humming sounds are driving me crazy. So I tried a few things to diagnose: 1) The hum is NOT affected by the volume knob at all. 2) The hum on the balanced...
  6. shinewu


    No coupon that I knew can apply. But this is really a good price considering you are getting the official balanced cables.
  7. shinewu

    willsenton r8 tube integrated/amp/headphone amp

    Right now, even a decent OTL amp costs 2k+. :( I plan to get one of this and the headphone adapter box. I am curious if there is any downside of this setup? Seems like the sound quality is not affected. Also willsenton R300 is almost the same price with 300B. I am wondering for headphone usage...
  8. shinewu

    The Deals DISCUSSION Thread (READ THE FIRST POST!!!) Senn HD800s 1200 out of the door, can't beat this!
  9. shinewu


    This is insane. I paid $650+tax and thought it was crazily good for the money. This is really a must-have for every head-fier. I sense maybe now the leftovers are likely openbox or refactorized? So the quality might be a bit hit and miss.
  10. shinewu

    Want to take the plunge into 300b headphone amp

    Thanks for the great advice. I am not handy with DIY, so I will buy a ready-for-listening unit now. As to Eddie Current Studio B, it is probably out of mu league for now. I was more leaning towards the 2 cheaper options. But maybe I should save up for the Cayin 300b.
  11. shinewu

    Want to take the plunge into 300b headphone amp

    I can only afford 1 of the 3 Chinese brands: 1) Little Dot LD-Y2, around $3k. This one uses Lundahl alloy input transformer. But beyond this, I can't seem to be find much information. 2) Original OPA-3A around $3k. This one uses Japanese Z11 transformer. It is also the most compact and techy...
  12. shinewu

    FiiO K9 Pro Hi-Fi DeskDop DAC&Bluetooth&Amplifier,XLR/RCA/4.4/Optical/Coaxial interface

    If I don't care about MQA, is it possible to disable it altogether to make K9 more stable for PCM/DSD playback?
  13. shinewu

    What are expensive tube amps good for nowadays?

    My budget is limited, so my time with good tube amps is mostly very short try-out. I was not very impressed when comparing them with other solid state options. Yeah, I guess I never reach that peak/optimal combination of tube and headphone. Out of curiosity, what would be a good way to try this...
  14. shinewu

    What are expensive tube amps good for nowadays?

    Thanks. I think most TOTL headphones hover around $2-4k range. And a good transformer coupled tube amp can easily go up there. I see the point that a good tube amp can drive some dynamics really well and drive most planars sufficiently. But I think at a much lower prices point with something...
  15. shinewu

    What are expensive tube amps good for nowadays?

    Among the TOTL headphones, many are planars and elecstats, which are known to work better with solid state in general. I could not figure out what exactly those expensive $1000+ tube amps are designed for. Maybe Senn HD800s is the only flagship that is known to pair well with them and it is also...