Recent content by Sebasistan
  1. Sebasistan

    Shanling M6 Player - New version with ESS DACs coming soon

    So I got a good set of suction cups, popped the back open, and lo and behold as you suspected, the two shield plates had come loose. I reset them and closed the player back up again, which was actually the most difficult part of the whole operation, and now it's working again, almost good as...
  2. Sebasistan

    Shanling M6 Player - New version with ESS DACs coming soon

    Huh. Ok, I went and ordered a suction cup for phone repair. I'll let you know how that goes. Thanks for the suggestion. unrelated issues: the volume wheel on the M6 has been acting weird for a while now, randomly dialing the volume either up or down, regardless of which direction I turn...
  3. Sebasistan

    Shanling M6 Player - New version with ESS DACs coming soon

    The issue is that the M6 is a screwless design, so I would likely need to get a heat mat or gun and a spudger to pry the damn thing open. This design isn't exactly inviting for end user repairs. :/
  4. Sebasistan

    Shanling M6 Player - New version with ESS DACs coming soon

    My M6 took a tumble, and now something's rattling loose inside of it. The player still works, just whatever broke loose can apparently interfere with audio output, creating deafening crackles and pops, which go away when I shake the player gently. Charges all right, otherwise audio quality is...
  5. Sebasistan

    Random Thoughts (Audio Related)

    Possible. Though the last 'droid phone I had, also no longer had a user serviceable battery or replaceable SD card. At this point I'm heavily invested in Apple's ecosystem, I have several DAPs, so I'm very unlikely to go back to Android. And like, last I checked (which, granted, was a couple of...
  6. Sebasistan

    Takstar Pro 82/GM200 Review, impressions and discussion thread

    Got my second pair of Pro 82's after I broke the first (don't ask... this was entirely my own fault, nothing to do with the cans). And yeah, they're still my personal endgame gold standard. Especially with the dedicated Nobsound Little Bear P10 / ELE EL-D01 chain. I occasionally wish the Little...
  7. Sebasistan

    Random Thoughts (Audio Related)

    My issue with phones is that they lack storage. I don't like streaming. So since phones by and large did away with SD card slots, I'll have to stick with DAPs. Which is fine.
  8. Sebasistan

    USB Audio Player PRO (UAPP): 24- and 32-bit playback, ubiquitous USB audio support for Android

    So I have a weird issue and I'm not sure where to put this. Using UAPP on my Shanling M6. Sometimes when I change certain labels within tags of files, UAPP will refuse to update those. But only SOME, not ALL. Basically, I had too broad a label for a specific genre of music, so I created a new...
  9. Sebasistan

    TRI earphone impressions - I4 and I3, Starlight, NEW Starsea

    When it comes to cables, the one thing that can make something of a difference is isolation. Otherwise, differences are cosmetic or homeopathic. I buy upgrade cables for balanced plugs. And sometimes just because the sixteen core ones just look cool. But I'd never spend a lot on a cable unless...
  10. Sebasistan

    Best tubes for beginners

    I have a Loxjie P20 running off of an ifi ZEN DAC, which is a cheap and really great sounding balanced solution. But you say you don't have balanced headphones to use with those... The Loxjie P20 is a balanced amp, and the balanced end is a lot better sounding that the single ended one. Just FYI.
  11. Sebasistan

    Shanling M6 Player - New version with ESS DACs coming soon

    Ah! I was not aware. Question: If two apps on the same player reproduce a tack in bit-perfect mode... They should sound EXACTLY the same, right?
  12. Sebasistan

    Shanling M6 Player - New version with ESS DACs coming soon

    Ah OK. I was just wondering because AFAIK the M6 is still a high-res player (right?). But yeah if that's for a strictly outboard DAC it would make sense. UAPP also does Bit-Perfect which AFAIK the Shanling app doesn't do. Both are pretty close in sound. Shanling still sounds warmer to my...
  13. Sebasistan

    [FiiO BTR15/BTR5 2021/BTR5]Bluetooth DAC and Headphone Amplifier Discussion & Impressions Thread

    I have a similar issue. Connected via USB-C to my PC. Currently it drops the connection after a few minutes, the screen begins to flicker erratically every second or so and even reconnecting it doesn't do anything. I think the battery might just be dead. Speaking of which, I use this basically...
  14. Sebasistan

    Shanling M6 Player - New version with ESS DACs coming soon

    I did go ahead and just bought UAPP. Compared to other players I have tried on the M6 (PowerAmp especially) this one actually manages to sound very, very close to the Shanling app. To the point of where I'm not entirely certain if the difference in sound that I hear is not down to bias on my...
  15. Sebasistan

    Shanling M6 Player - New version with ESS DACs coming soon

    I finally installed the latest firmware update and now file sorting in folder view is apparently just completely broken. Since transferring playlists to the player seems impossible (this is a time-honored Android tradition, playlist transfers on Android have always been extremely cursed), I...