Recent content by sav9797
  1. sav9797

    Writing my first headphone review on Head-Fi...

    Quote:   Here it is. My first review. Let me know what you all think!
  2. sav9797

    Fischer Audio Jubilate Review

    Quote: Yeah, from what I've read, these really aren't quite like the FA011. These are definitely more detail oriented where as those are slightly more "fun." Even then though, with a bit of modest EQ, these really open up as a casual headphone and are actually really fun to listen to.
  3. sav9797

    Fischer Audio Jubilate Review

    Introduction --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------...
  4. sav9797

    Got Aerial7 Chopper2 Britt

    Actually, I won a pair of these through a sweepstakes. They actually aren't horrible for $70 or whatever they're worth. There is no detail to the sound at all, but they are very musical. Bass is solid, though not overwhelming (but there is no bass extension). Mids are also pleasing, and treble...
  5. sav9797

    Newbie looking for an affordable upgrade

    Got it. I've seen the klipsch s4s on sale alot recently. They're great headphones for casual listening, and I think they would work well for gaming too. Try to look for one of those sales though, since the discounts are really good. I don't know where exactly these sales are though. Just heard...
  6. sav9797

    Newbie looking for an affordable upgrade

    Maybe you could give us an idea of what exactly, sound-wise, you want in your headphones? Do you prefer a more analytical sound signature, or do you like your headphones to have a large sound stage (hard to find in low end IEMs)? Otherwise, that Multi-IEM post is great, but it might take a long...
  7. sav9797

    Writing my first headphone review on Head-Fi...

    About to post my first review here as well, and I just wanted to thank you all for the (albeit indirect) advice. Thats all :)