Recent content by Roger.McMurphy
  1. Roger.McMurphy

    Qinpu Q1 Amplifier vs cheap portable amps

    I see it has been four years since I've posted this and I figure I never really looked back into this forum but I'll post my impressions anyway, has nobody says anything about the Q1 and is still around 50$.   I've been using this amplifier as a simple volume control for a xbox 360 on which...
  2. Roger.McMurphy

    Geniuses or people with 130+ IQ only!

    As a Bachelor of psychology, I am more appealed by the background image . Therefore, I can't take this test seriously .
  3. Roger.McMurphy

    The Zune HD has failed to impress most. Who should be competing against Apple and how?

    Consumer negativism taken to the max. Everything can be improved, there is no such a thing as a flawless device. Both the iPhone and the Zune are devices trying to emulate various other practical devices into a very small form (cellular, audio-video player, computer, radio, book). They both...
  4. Roger.McMurphy

    Getting skeptical: does "better" really exist?

    It's the same with everything. One could argue Godiva chocolates are way better than Toblerones, because they are more expensive, but do I care? Do you care? We all care to a certain degree. Is a 10$ wine necessarily worse than a 100$ one, or a 1000$ one? No. Not at all. Do you really...
  5. Roger.McMurphy

    Updated: HifiMAN HM-801 Portable Music Player Preorder

    Looks intriguing, retro-ish, unique. I really hope it does sell well. While I don't have the money for it, but I'm glad to see such an anouncement coming from Head-Direct. By the way, I know there will be some demand for it, but Nankai, have you thought about making a matching stand for...
  6. Roger.McMurphy

    AKG 324, Opinions please

    From another thread... Quote: Originally Posted by FER18 I tried the creative ep 630 OEM version and they seem very bad in sound If you didn't like them, the K324P reportedly sound similar, so it might not be a good idea after all. For 10-20$ more, you could look for the RE2...
  7. Roger.McMurphy

    AKG 324, Opinions please

    Those threads probably won't help you. It doesn't say much about the headphones. I used them for hundreds of hours, and I can say I am impressed by the microphonics of the cable. The cable is great, and feels strong, and slightly "rubberry". The earphone themselves are fairly good sounding...
  8. Roger.McMurphy

    Bose Triports

    Am I missing something, or is it considered cool on these forums to talk against Bose? I'm not being sarcastic here ... *Cough Cough* Branding and Anti-branding is "cool" for some, I guess... Lacoste, Sony, Callaway, iPods, Rolex, BMW, superficial bling for the masses, but quality products...
  9. Roger.McMurphy

    Is IPOD classic able to power RE2 easily?

    Quote: Originally Posted by ClieOS We like to call it analytical and clinical sounding - it is how RE2 suppose to sound like [...] . While I'm still not getting used to the very analytical sound of the RE2, I don't dislike it. It's very different from my AKGs and Sennheisers. I...
  10. Roger.McMurphy

    Great packaging!

    Quote: Originally Posted by mrarroyo Actually it is the 3rd or 4th largest country depending on method! List of countries and outlying territories by total area - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Greatness doesn't calculate in square miles.
  11. Roger.McMurphy

    Looking for headphone amp $100 range

    I am using a Qinpu Q1 amplifier as my "entertainment" amp. It can be used to power very efficient speakers, and drive headphones (dedicated 3.5mm line-out in the back) I use it connected to my X360 via RCA cables. I don't use amps anymore with all my other sources (my music listening is almost...
  12. Roger.McMurphy

    AKG Shameless Marketing

    *Puts on kidding suit* *Puts on Trolling suit* *Wow, how surprising! A headphone and anime geek. First time I hear of that around here.* *Puts on flaming protection suit* *Puts on modern asian culture fan suit* *Throws a thunderous thunder bolt* *LoLoLoLoLoLzOrZ* *^^...
  13. Roger.McMurphy

    Does adjusting the volume in tracks affect the SQ?

    Trust your ears. I listen to my headphones at various volumes (while I haven't measured, I probably listen to them from 40dB to 70dB) , from various sources and I never heard a decrease or an increase in quality from a volume adjustment. I simply hear more or less volume. If you can convince...
  14. Roger.McMurphy

    Suggest me the most bassIEST and punchIEST headphone ever please...

    Quote: Originally Posted by ablacklist I hope now you guys get a picture or understand what kind of headphone i want. I understand. If I wanted to get big on bass, I would take my K414P, put the bass boost on my PCDP, and amp with a fiiO E5 on bass boost. But then it gets punchy...
  15. Roger.McMurphy

    Another HD 555/ATH-AD700 thread

    Quite frankly... I don't think the PMX100 plays in the same league as the HD555, not at all. For music, gaming, movies, anything... I don't even think it's as good as a set of HD515, or even HD477 (which I have on my head right now). I don't own the PMX100, but other cheap portables that are...