Recent content by roeschel
  1. R

    Feedback by 'roeschel' on listing 'ALO audio - SCX 8, 4,4mm (HD800/820, CA Cascade)'

    It was a joy to deal with Filip. Very fast and kind communication and delivery.
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    Cascade Headphone by Campfire Audio

    Bought this today in the classifieds. Looking forward to listen with it, thanks.
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    Cascade Headphone by Campfire Audio

    Thank you for the suggestion. I don't really want to attenuate the treble, so I was thinking of a silver cable. I'll burn it in with the stock cable first, it's really fun on the Mojo 2.
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    Cascade Headphone by Campfire Audio

    Hello everyone I'm very late to the party, heard the Cascade for the first time today. Basically I like the sound. I would like to buy a Pentaconn cable for it. Does anyone have experience with the Lavricabel Master?
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    The reports from Munich are very promising!
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    Woo Audio TUBE mini Balanced Headphone Amplifier/DAC

    The Tube mini has no internal volume, the buttons control the volume of the source. I would‘nt max out the volume, there‘s a risk to destroy the headphone. The mini is very powerful.
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    ZMF Headphone Cable Poll - What do you use?

    +1 for AO and Bokeh
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    Feliks-Audio EUFORIA - A Wolf in "Sheep's" Clothing...

    What kind of socket do the 6v6 have? I have adapters for the KT88‘s, do they work?
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    ZMF BOKEH - Closed Back (Semi-Portable)

    Ordered one too. Thank you for refunding without using the code @zach915m
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    The Continuation Of The Sony Walkman 1Z/1A Thread!

    Hello everyone I am new to the Sony game. I bought the WM1Z here in classified and had Steve upgrade it straight away. It's still the honeymoon phase, all new and shiny. I'm still waiting to see what the burn-in will bring. But what I can already say is that I've never heard such detailed bass...
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    ZMF BOKEH - Closed Back (Semi-Portable)

    I‘m waiting for that too
  12. R

    Woo Audio TUBE mini Balanced Headphone Amplifier/DAC

    It gave my EE Odin a new life. I listen through Audirvana and iEMatch, it's a dream for me.
  13. R

    Feliks-Audio EUFORIA - A Wolf in "Sheep's" Clothing...

    Has anyone tried these tubes with the Euforia? Treasure Globe 6SN7-SE They look very nice.
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    Reply to review by 'roeschel' on item 'ZMFheadphones BOKEH'

    Your music choice is excellent! Thank you for that and the great review.
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    Feliks-Audio EUFORIA - A Wolf in "Sheep's" Clothing...

    How can you order the tubes outside from the US or Canada?