Recent content by rodrigaj
  1. rodrigaj

    Let's talk about pens...

    Regarding the VP: The area around the tip, where the nib goes into is prone to developing cracks. At least that was my experience with them in the late '90's. It seemed like a great option for school. but after one semester, mine started to crack. I haven't owned one since.
  2. rodrigaj

    Let's talk about pens...

    The M800 is a bit too large for my hand. The M600 is perfect. Regarding my mishap, there is more: I had meticulously repaired the cap just 2 weeks earlier using acrylic cement and a capilary tube. Buffed it down so the crack was not visible. All that before the grocery parking lot incident. My...
  3. rodrigaj

    Let's talk about pens...

    Diamine inks are my favorites as well - Syrah and Oxblood and Denim are some of my favorites.
  4. rodrigaj

    EQ Settings for 700+ Headphones

    Based on my experience with the SHD that was noted above, I tried with -6.2dB and 0.0dB attenuation. I did not hear any clipping, even with the most dynamic range music I have, so I left it at 0.0dB. I listen to classical music and keep the listening levels at "reasonable" levels. It all...
  5. rodrigaj

    EQ Settings for 700+ Headphones

    To clarify post #50: Here is the way signal flows in the minidsp SHD Hopefully, someone can help me understand if I've set up my configuration correctly. (I tried at the minidsp SHD forums)
  6. rodrigaj

    EQ Settings for 700+ Headphones

    @jaakkopasanen I have not seen any mention of using a minidsp SHD here. I have Sennheiser HD800S for which I wish to set aside one configuration solely for headphone use. I went into the SHD plugin, linked outputs 1 and 2 and proceeded to set the PEQ filters according to the table you have...
  7. rodrigaj

    Popular Classical Music

    I've been listening to this Berg Violin Concerto for several nights now on PRIMEPHONIC streaming service: Here is a preview with the BPO: Not for everyone to be sure, but I have found listening through headphones can be quite extraordinary. Huge dynamic range...
  8. rodrigaj

    Let's talk about pens...

    I had two Lamy pens - The 2000 and the CP-1. I still own and use the CP-1 and keep it with my music log - keep a hand written diary of what I listen to. It is a thin pen but very dependable. The 2000 is a peculiar pen. Absolutely beautiful, with a very elegant piston fill system and "feel". I...
  9. rodrigaj

    Let's talk about pens...

    I tried using violet for a while, then green... I always went back to my trusted Pelikan Red. It just made grading so much easier. Starter fountain pens can be problematic. Nothing more infuriating than a scratchy pen with a nib that doesn't flow correctly. There are some companies that are...
  10. rodrigaj

    Popular Classical Music

    Freiburg Baroque & Kristian Bezuidenhout perform Beethoven's Piano Concertos 1-3 Two weeks later everything was shut down.
  11. rodrigaj

    Popular Classical Music

    In case anyone else is curious, I dug through the YouTube comments looking for performance date. The best I could find was the YouTube channel uploader (DW Classical Music) comment - "concert took place 2009".
  12. rodrigaj

    Popular Classical Music

    Rare video: Julian Bream plays Walton - Third Bagatelle Walton is very rarely played in the USA, but his Symphony #1 is one of my most favorite symphonies. Bream commissioned Walton to compose a series of Bagatelles, one of which is played here after a brief introduction.
  13. rodrigaj

    Let's talk about pens...

    I knew teachers that would never even write on a kids paper. They used post-it notes, so as not to "mar" a kids work. I quit teaching in 2012. It's a young persons profession. Kids and parents are too fragile, the young teachers understand that way better than the old. That sounds ageist, but...
  14. rodrigaj

    Let's talk about pens... ink. That was the old fashioned way, and I'm old fashioned. Green is now the more acceptable color because it is not so "in your face" and still stands out. I never had any parents or kids complain about the color, so I just kept using red. Average life is dependent on so many...
  15. rodrigaj

    Beyerdynamic DT 1990 PRO - Beyer's open-back mastering headphone

    Sennheiser HD800S in terms of sound stage. Bass delivery about equal. I listen primarily to classical music and the Sennheiser's are to my ears the best for that genre. I like the neutral quality of the 1990's but the spacial quality of Sennheisers is superb.