Recent content by RCSI
  1. RCSI

    CanJam Music Appreciation Contest

    Loreena McKennitt - The Visit (Album) and Jethro Tull - Living in the Past (Album) Two extremes, both so good when I can sit back and listen.
  2. RCSI

    CanJam SoCal 2015 Impressions Thread

      When I was listening to a few headphones, I could hear the music from headphones next me better than the music I was listening to.  Others I could hear from a few seats over.  While the environment was not conductive for low listening volumes, it is disconcerting to start playing headphones...
  3. RCSI

    CanJam SoCal 2015 Impressions Thread

    CanJam certainty presented an interesting atmosphere. As background, I got bit with the headphone bug for a few months 5 years ago, upgrading from a Sennheiser Hd 280 and stopping at an HD600.  What CanJam did was satisfy one of my long standing curiosities from researching headphone 5 years...
  4. RCSI

    CanJam SoCal 2015, March 28-29, 2015

      Good, not alone in being a first time attendee. Aside from bringing a friendly demeanor, anything else attendee's should bring? Other than CDs/portable media device that is.
  5. RCSI

    How loud do you listen?

    Anything from a computer- when I can make out the general tune of the song. From my Pod 5Th gen with my m50- first notch (even this is louder than I want it to be)   When I was still using the Senn. hd 280 pro I could still make out a variety of noises in a relatively quiet household using...
  6. RCSI

    REVIEW (in progress) - Nuforce HDP 24/96 USB-Optical 24/192 Coax DAC Preamp and Headphone Amp

    Blue you say...   Warning: Segmented post   No impressions other than that I do enjoy the HDP -> HD600 quite a bit.   I had purchased the HDP around March, the third headphone related purchase I had made in the year, HD555 (January) and uDac (January), all thanks to upgraditis that I...