Head Gear Reviews by rataplan
  1. Astell & Kern AK120

    2.50 star(s)
    I bought this player because I wanted “the best” portable DAP money could buy. Even though I now have a portable experience that rivals or might even surpass my desktop setup, it has not left me without considerable headaches and occasional feelings of buyer’s remorse.   Let’s remember that this is a $1300 product and when you include Canadian duties and taxes I’m in ~$1600! I knew this would definitely warrant a review. For this, I would expect to get some customer service and online documentation that would prevent from hours of...
  2. Koss PortaPro - Headphones ( semi-open )

    3.50 star(s)
    I was prompted to buy these headphones for two reasons: I had already owned an Electric Avenues PA2V2 amp and Gary has really hyped the synergy between the Koss PortaPros and his amp.   the other reason was a flippant comment from another head-fier about how he preferred his PortaPros to his Grado 325is -- so as a 325is owner i thought "i've got to see if this is true." And let me tell you it's not, i knew this going into it, but i was in spending mood so i figured "what the hell."   Now, as for the merits of this headphone on its own. They...
  3. Grado SR325is Headphones

    5.00 star(s)
    aside from being the coolest looking headphones on the market (brushed silver imo) these pack some serious punch while maintaining detail and timber that will send chills up your spine on the regular.   for someone who is new to grado here are some things you should know: they are *very* open (you're practically forcing your music on those around you) and the cord will eventually get twisted no matter how hard you try to avoid it. that said, most who try them, love them (in my experience).   paired with the right amp and/or DAC you'll notice...