Recent content by punish
  1. punish

    Noble Audio - the Wizard returns!

    Thanks for the tip (hehe)   eschewed the spinfits for some spiral dots. Let's see how they go! in the meantime the comply will do
  2. punish

    Noble Audio - the Wizard returns!

    Fit is proving to be a bit of a lengthy process for me too. I can't even seem to get the blues onto the Savanna as the stems bunch up. Couldn't seem to get a good fit with the reds either. Then tried ortofon tips which fit well but slide around the nozzle a bit. Sony hybrids can't stay on the...
  3. punish

    Noble Audio - the Wizard returns!

    He's one random, you're a company, I ain't saying nuffin more on this.   Back on track: are all the Noble Universals made in the USA? 
  4. punish

    Noble Audio - the Wizard returns!

      Really didn't want to respond further, and I'm sure he's a big boy who didn't get his feelings hurt, but it irks me that the representatives of a company that makes good products are going out of their way to **** on a guy for something he could have phrased better but didn't.   He has no...
  5. punish

    Noble Audio - the Wizard returns!

    Petty. He was merely commenting on what sounds like a big premium for the rush order and comparing it to something personally relateable.
  6. punish

    Noble Audio - the Wizard returns!

      We won't get them by the end of the week will we?   Said ships in 2-3 weeks
  7. punish

    Noble Audio - the Wizard returns!

      Scott, have you seen any reviews for the savanna?   I've had a look around and haven't really found anything on the new IEM line
  8. punish

    Noble Audio - the Wizard returns!

    I chose the Savanna/h as neither the V sound of the Trident or the bass-focus of the Dulce suit my preferences. Airiness/transparency on the other hand are important to me and are supposed highlights of the Savanna. Everything else past that point was a bit too expensive for me personally.  ...
  9. punish

    Noble Audio - the Wizard returns!

    Picked up the Savannah for the sale.   Never owned a Noble product, or even had the opportunity to demo. Fingers crossed that I will not be disappointed!
  10. punish

    Campfire Audio - Introducing 2 new models Hello Andromeda and Nova

    I think the real battle is not andromeda vs Nova, but Nova vs orion
  11. punish

    Campfire Audio - Introducing 2 new models Hello Andromeda and Nova

    All in all would you all say that these lean more towards being mid-centric?   Interest has been piqued by those talking about the smoothness. Does it have the sparkle and liquidity?
  12. punish

    Campfire Audio - Introducing 2 new models Hello Andromeda and Nova

    Frankly I believe that burn-in is largely just the listener adjusting to a different sound, exploring the different facets of it and coming to terms with it. I don't think it takes a long time at all to achieve this.   Very keen on any comparisons with the Noble Savannah as that is another...
  13. punish

    Campfire Audio - Introducing 2 new models Hello Andromeda and Nova

    Interesting. I listened to a store pair which I assume has had more than enough use. My current IEM has a refined and delicate bass so did not need any significant time to adjust to the sound (which felt more bassy).   I'll continue observing over the next couple of weeks the sentiment on the...
  14. punish

    Campfire Audio - Introducing 2 new models Hello Andromeda and Nova

    Interestingly, it seems as though the initial thoughts for the Nova are not as positive as the ones for the Orion!   I must admit I tried the Orion and found it very good. I have expected the Nova to be a direct upgrade but it does not appear this is the case from your varied opinions.