Recent content by Professor Chaos
  1. Professor Chaos

    2-2.5k to put together awesome over ear line up + amp / dac - need rec's!!!

    Thanks so much for all your excellent advice, it's much appreciated.    I had a magni and the HD700's sounded great, but that I couldn't reach their highest level. I was already in the process of considering the Valhalla 2 upgrade for the HD700. Then, most of my gear got ruined and is being...
  2. Professor Chaos

    2-2.5k to put together awesome over ear line up + amp / dac - need rec's!!!

    or if anyone had a great suggestion on a different phone to replace the HD700 in my collection that I would also love!!!   thanks!
  3. Professor Chaos

    2-2.5k to put together awesome over ear line up + amp / dac - need rec's!!!

    Thanks everyone. Yah I agree i can ditch the portable amp, haven't used mine in months. Currently would with se-215's but they sound great without, which is why I was thinking to just make a step or two up in their product line.   i currently have HD700's about to be replaced . I was enjoying...
  4. Professor Chaos

    2-2.5k to put together awesome over ear line up + amp / dac - need rec's!!!

    i'm putting together a new well rounded setup soon and wanted to get some outside opinions, here is what i'm currently thinking..   over ear - sennheiser HD700, hifiman he-500....and maybe a pair of d2000's if i can find. in ear - shure se215 or 315   amp magni 2 über or valhalla 2  dac -...
  5. Professor Chaos

    best headphones w/schiit magni & modi around $500

    hi everyone,   you've probably seen a million of these, but i'm looking to step up my headphone game with my new schiit stack.   currently rocking shure srh840 and denon d340 as over ear is my preferred style   i like a very full sound stage and solid bass i prefer to be able to hear...