Recent content by pretzelb
  1. pretzelb

    Entry level phones + Entry Leven pocket amp, or just phones?

    I should say that my budget amp isn't a terrific match with the IEMs that I've owned. Maybe there are others that will work well. But from my reading the amp forum it seems like everyone with IEMs always pay in the $300+ range before they start to get good results. Those who pay in the $100+...
  2. pretzelb

    Entry level phones + Entry Leven pocket amp, or just phones?

    I went entry level about a year ago and I think you are better off going with headphones first and then maybe an amp. I have the E2C and was happy with them but the comfort wasn't great and even my Grado SR60 sound vastly better which made me not happy with the sound. I even bought several cheap...
  3. pretzelb

    Advice on IEM (Klipsch, Super.Fi,...)

    The Klipsch Image are really hard to beat. They are expensive but there have been some sales on them. Also Klipsch does have a 30 day money back guarantee from their website. They are very comfortable and fit your requirement for nothing over the ear. I find the Klipsch Custom 3 to be really...
  4. pretzelb

    UE 5 pro vs. Klipsch Custom 2 for E2C owner

    I have the Custom 3 and while I enjoy them I am not sure they would be good for just wrapping around your player for storage. They seem strong enough but they do have more non flexible parts than some other brands and I would guess that the more non flexible parts you have the worse it would be...
  5. pretzelb

    Decisions, decisions

    The Custom 3's are nice, but I was able to get a decent fit. I am not sure if the Custom 2 have the same issues with fit as the Custom 3. Klipsch does have a 30 day guarantee if you go with their website. On the other hand you might feel safer going with something that others are familiar with.
  6. pretzelb

    Upgrading from ER6i... UE? Klipsch?

    The Klipsch Image are pretty comfortable. I've worn them all day at work with no issues. In fact, I don't even have a feeling of having worn them when I get home from work. But I can't comment how they are compared to the others you are looking at because they're my first dive into the premium...
  7. pretzelb

    Custom-3 announcements and impressions

    Quote: Originally Posted by tnmike1 so I suppose the bottom-line question is this: for a $300 IEM is it really worth all the hassle of experimenting with tipping, or should Klipsch introduce a new and better gel or other method to get perfect fitting? I'm listening now as I type with...
  8. pretzelb

    Official Klipsch Custom-3 Impressions Thread

    One thing that is really nice is the cloth covering on the cord. It not only feels pleasant to the touch but I think it really helps cut down on the line noise. When I switch to the Image I immediately become aware of the cord and the noise it generates. But I hardly ever notice the cord when I...
  9. pretzelb

    Official Klipsch Custom-3 Impressions Thread

    Quote: Originally Posted by PeterDLai Just a quick note of something I have realized recently: the sound of the C3's get better the deeper you put them into my canal, but this in effect also reduces the soundstage. The sound very much so comes from inside of the head instead of outside...
  10. pretzelb

    Custom-3 announcements and impressions

    Quote: Originally Posted by tnmike1 Acidtripwow: But your impressions are exactly why I'm in love with Klipsch, both in their large speakers and in these IEMs. Superior resolution, violins that are bright, and tympani that's really "there",especiallywhen listening to larger symphonic...
  11. pretzelb

    Custom-3 announcements and impressions

    Quote: Originally Posted by onlychild The ease to put them on and take them off is frekin' incredible. For outdoor/work use I wanted something I could take off right away if someone came up to talk to me and put right back into my ear with the same fit I had the first time...
  12. pretzelb

    Custom-3 announcements and impressions

    Quote: Originally Posted by tnmike1 Not to answer for ron--HiFlight--but I find the Custom 3s to be very very comfortable in fit in virtually all the gels. I'm using the large gels still and so far I haven't found any major discomfort. I'm surprised because I expected it. I'm not...
  13. pretzelb

    Best (or top few) IEM for iPod

    I'm testing the Klipsch Image and Custom 3s with a 5th gen iPod video. Both are pretty nice but pricey.
  14. pretzelb

    Custom-3 announcements and impressions

    Quote: Originally Posted by PeterDLai I'm starting to think I need to listen to a pair of Grado's. It sounds like it would suit me, yet I've never found any reason to own a pair (I'm looking for portable and closed, I use speakers when I'm at home). Closed Grado? Does such a...
  15. pretzelb

    Custom-3 announcements and impressions

    Quote: Originally Posted by HiFlight I received my C3s today, after much anticipation. Unfortunately, I have not been able to get and keep a seal, regardless of the tip I use. It just seems as though the stem is a bit short for my ears. For whatever little bit of extra audio...