Recent content by pigwave
  1. pigwave

    Can Con 4.75 - Sydney Australia meet (30 November 2014)!

    I'm in!   I'll bring:   Audeze LCD-XC headphone   Cypher Labs Theorem 720 portable DAC/AMP   and interest checking for:   Sennheiser HD600   Centrance Audiophile Desktop ( Including DACmini PX and speakers )   Cheers!
  2. pigwave

    Recommendations for replacing Beyer T1

    I recommend you to audition a pair of LCD2. It definitely falls into the category of "fuller sound". While its unique sound signature and heavy weight may not be accepted by everyone. The W3000anv sounds articulate and enjoyable, but it doesn't have the "fullness" like the LCDs IMO.
  3. pigwave

    Can-con 2 (Sydney 2012) Meet Aug 18th 3:30 to 8:30pm (near Epping station)

    Hi folks,    I would like to join the meeting as well. I can bring the gorgeous W3000ANV.
  4. pigwave

    Audez'e LCD 2 vs beats PRO by dr dre WITHOUT AMP

    The LCD2 actually sounds quite good out of ipod in my opinion. (even better than some $300 headphone with proper amp) The only reason I don't take out LCD2 to the street is due to the weight and the open back design. 
  5. pigwave

    STAX comes to Melbourne for all Australian Head-Fiers

    Why do all Australian headphone stores locate in Melbourne?  They already have Australian Open, F1, Melbourne Cup etc... We need a store in Sydney!
  6. pigwave

    Audeze LCD2 quality going down?

    Quote: Here it is,   You can use the tool " search this thread " to find out the informations you need. About the plastic issue, I heard that AUDEZE can replace it with aluminum ones without...
  7. pigwave

    Audeze LCD2 quality going down?

    Quote:       If you follow LCD2 main threads you will notice the latest update. You may find some new pics uploaded by those new owners. I got mine half a month ago, the aluminum slides and pads and new cables and dark woods are perfect  
  8. pigwave

    Audeze LCD2 quality going down?

    Actually it's going up, with slightly improvement in several parts( eg. cable, pads )
  9. pigwave

    Audeze LCD-2 Orthos

    Great! I guess I have some words to learn today
  10. pigwave

    Audeze LCD-2 Orthos

    According to the test result from this thread, LCD2 is one of the most accurate headphone out there, and this is exactly how I feel after my audition,  and I didn't know of this test at the time I think the main...
  11. pigwave

    Audeze LCD-2 Orthos

    I find the LCD2 has a unique sound as a headphone, but it provides the most similar sound to what I heard at concert hall ( or real life) Other high end headphones may make the details more obvious, while unnatural. I would rather love the music to be present as a whole picture, while you...
  12. pigwave

    Audeze LCD-2 Orthos

    Quote:   I have the same problem.
  13. pigwave

    Rank the Headphones that You Own.

    1. LCD2 2. HD600 3. AD900 4. ER4P   no surprise~
  14. pigwave

    Audeze LCD-2 Source discussion.

    Quote:   Now I'm using little dot MKV as amp for my HD600, it's quite powerful with the HD600, but I'm thinking of an upgrade to the concerto or some else ss amp in the future. That's anther thing  for me to worry about indeed
  15. pigwave

    Audeze LCD-2 Source discussion.

    Hi all, do you guys think cambridge 840C can match up with LCD2? or would it be a limitation as well as the dacmagic?   The 840C is my main source currently, I also use it as dac for my ipod+onkyo nds1, and I'm still waiting for my LCD2 anxiously...