Recent content by odoe
  1. odoe

    Most talented member of Pink Floyd?

    I enjoy the Waters/Gilmour combo very much, but I still think some of the most amazing work was in the Barrett era. Interstellar Overdrive is still one of my favorite pieces of music.
  2. odoe

    The Stax thread (New)

    Ok, so I had a chance to play with them for a while. I compared the Stax with my only other set of nice cans, Senn HD580's and my DIY Millet Max Hybrid. I use foobar(via wasapi) on my pc to a TC-7510 (not the best source, but all I got) and listened to the following tracks all FLAC. Jeff...
  3. odoe

    The Stax thread (New)

    A friend from work gave me a Stax Lambda Pro and Stax SRM-1/MK-2 that he wasn't using anymore (he's a speaker guy). They're about 20 years old, but look to be in great shape. I can't wait to get them home and try them out. I just need to find new foam inserts as the old ones have detiororated...
  4. odoe

    Post pics of your builds....

    very nice work the mesh is a nice clean touch
  5. odoe

    Organization and Backups

    For album art, I have found the best way for me is to use foo_run in foobar with a script using Album Art Downloader. This way I can just grab the album art as I go through and listen to albums and notice it's missing. What is a mess mostly is my OST and Various Artists album folders. I feel...
  6. odoe

    Organization and Backups

    Music\Artist\Artist (Year) Album Title [codec] This is what I try to stick to anyway. This sits on an ubuntu fileserver that I vnc into and I back it up to an external drive using rsync weekly to biweekly. I should probably set up a script for that.
  7. odoe

    Backing Up Music Files

    My CD's -> ripped to a File Server -> backed up to an external.
  8. odoe

    eBay auction -- 3 million records!

    So has this just not sold and keeps getting put up? Times are rough man, I'm buying more used CD's than ever.
  9. odoe

    weird, unordinary, unique music recommedations?

    Psychic TV - Kondole or if you just want to hear some of the more "eclectic" Psychic TV, pre-electronic stuff, Allegory and Self. I was a big fan of the more ambient houe Psychic TV stuff I had heard, picked up Allegory and Self and was like But it is interesting. The same when I picked...
  10. odoe

    Frank Sinatra - The Capitol Years Boxed Set

    I was just about to come in here and ask a Sinatra question. I could have sworn there was a Sinatra version of Unforgettable, but I haven't been too successful finding a Sinatra album with this song on it. I would have thought it would be easy, but when I went to the record store, I just...
  11. odoe

    Your Five Favorite Electronic Albums-(any sub-genre)

    These are albums I would put in my favorites when it comes to electronic music of some sort. - Edit, oh hey, you said 5, ok The Orb - U.F.Orb (ambient) Skinny Puppy - Too Dark Park (industrial) Coil - Love's Secret Domain (uhm, industrial, early IDM maybe, not really sure) Plastikman -...
  12. odoe

    Loving NIN Ghosts - more like this for me?

    It means Intelligent Dance Music and it really is a pretentious term, but it sort of came out of artists like Aphex Twin, Autechre and Black Dog, who at one time, I would have just called ambient, but it had a bit more of an edge to it. I still call a lot of it ambient music, but I'm old like...
  13. odoe

    Loving NIN Ghosts - more like this for me?

    I think the new NIN is fantastic and would probably fall more into the IDM genre, so I would recommend stuff like that. Some as mentioned before, but to add, I'll also say maybe stuff like Arovane, Chica and the Folder, The Flashbulb, Hermann and Kleinne, Maps and Diagrams and so on. Ghosts...
  14. odoe

    New Millett Hybrid Maxed Amp

    Maybe it's just me, but I actually think my K240S are more "fun" with my MAX than my HD580s. This is on a ES/Orange Drop with 2SC3422/2SA1359. The 580s are great and bassy, but I like the 240S enough that I am very interested in some higher level AKGs to try out with my MAX.
  15. odoe

    Nine Inch Nails new album out

    The website is stuck in a loop for me. Every time I try to pay, it takes me back to the order options page. Argh, I want this already.