Recent content by obto
  1. obto

    Looking for HD280 Upgrade. K550 vs GMP 8.35 vs SRH840

    Been using my HD280s for 3+ years now and am looking for another closed, semi-isolated, circumaural headphone to upgrade/add to my collection. Budget is ~$300 and I do not currently have an amp, so being easy to drive is a must (for now).   As for the types of music I listen to, some days...
  2. obto

    New headphones to try out?

  3. obto

    New headphones to try out?

    I've heard Grado's are known for how great they sound with metal but how do they sound with things like alternative rock and regular movies?
  4. obto

    New headphones to try out?

    My HD 280's have finally bit the dust as their fragile band has snapped in two :(   I'm now looking for some advice on what headphones would be good to try out. I currently have the HD 650 and 380 on my list but I'd like to know if there are any others you would advise me to try out.   I...
  5. obto

    ++ FULL-SIZE HEADPHONE RECOMMENDATIONS THREAD++ CLOSED: Please post a thread in the Introductions, Help and Advice forum

    Just woke up today to see my beautiful HD 280's band snap in half, so I'm looking for recommendations on which cans you guys think I should test out.   Here's some info on my listening habits: I listen to a wide variety of genres but I find myself listening to bands like jimmy eat world...