Recent content by ninewalker
  1. ninewalker

    「Official」Asian Anime, Manga, and Music Lounge

    Quote:   Supercell (self-titled, Vocaloid Album) Today is a beautiful day (feat. Yanagi Nagi) All the music from Guilty Crown A myriad of Vocaloid Singles.   Don't get me wrong I like the music. Just not how it's presented. It is incredibly compressed. Its mostly apparent with...
  2. ninewalker

    「Official」Asian Anime, Manga, and Music Lounge

    It's a shame but pretty much every supercell release has shoddy mastering. Although to be fair every other Vocaloid or Anime OP/ED release nowadays is no better. The last set of anime openings and endings CD i've heard that were properly mastered was this . I still...
  3. ninewalker

    [Impression] FiiO X3 – High Fi, Low Price.

    Quote:   Here's James' reply to my question about album art. Pertinent information in bold.
  4. ninewalker

    The Fiio X3 Thread.

    According to ClieOS's review there is a Favorites option. Now I don't know if you can create multiple playlists since it wasn't mentioned on the review but the X3 has at least 1 on the go playlist you can work with like the J3 (which was godawful...I'm hoping the X3's is better. Delete mode and...
  5. ninewalker

    The Fiio X3 Thread.

    The new themes do indeed look nice. That june release is coming soon guys, I know I'm spamming F5 on the miccastore page sometime soon. :D
  6. ninewalker

    ALO Pan Am desktop/portable headphone amp/DAC: Impressions and Reviews

    I have a Pan Am with the gateway. I've been on the fence about the passport ever since I even first contemplated about getting the Pan Am. 200 for a battery is a bit steep and the Pan Am was staying on my desktop. But since getting the amp and using it I've always wondered whether I was missing...
  7. ninewalker

    「Official」Asian Anime, Manga, and Music Lounge

    Probably extreme cellphone browser lag >.>
  8. ninewalker

    「Official」Asian Anime, Manga, and Music Lounge

    I won't quote but seeing the Hyouka love in this thread gives me warm fuzzies :D
  9. ninewalker

    「Official」Asian Anime, Manga, and Music Lounge

    there was a severe lack of tomato suit kyoko in the above choices.
  10. ninewalker

    「Official」Asian Anime, Manga, and Music Lounge

    Had me scratching my head too.
  11. ninewalker

    「Official」Asian Anime, Manga, and Music Lounge

    $9.99 to play a used game bought from gamestop via downloadable authentication code.     j/k idk.
  12. ninewalker

    「Official」Asian Anime, Manga, and Music Lounge

    Am I the only one who actually likes the look? Sure it looks like an oversized Tivo box, but I do like the minimalistic aesthetic they went with. It, at least, doesn't look like a George Foreman grill. Doesn't mean I'll buy one though.
  13. ninewalker

    「Official」Asian Anime, Manga, and Music Lounge

    Yet another next gen console announcement I've missed. Hard to keep up with these things when you just don't care. My most anticipated game of this year is the HD remaster of Final Fantasy X so go figure. 