Recent content by nichifanlema
  1. nichifanlema

    Little Dot II++

    Well...I guess because it's a better tube than 6P13's ?
  2. nichifanlema

    Corda Opera- Pics. Who else has reserved one?

    Quote: Originally Posted by Skylab Well, we're getting a little closer to December. I have reserved an Opera. I am not expecting to get it for Christmas like I did the Aria last year, but I am still looking forward to getting an Opera. Jan has stated that the Opera is better than the...
  3. nichifanlema

    Looking for warmer cans ....

    Quote: Originally Posted by Skylab You should consider a pair of Headphile Darth Beyers, if you can afford them. They are warm and wonderful. LOTS of info on them here, just search. Nooooooooooooooooooooo you gotta stop!!!! I'm getting so tempted to try out the Darth...
  4. nichifanlema

    WooAudio 6 is here!!

    maybe i should get a k701 or something....hehe btw, the fuse blew few days I wasn't able to use Woo6, and since I was too busy to go to the mall, I had to wait till today.... Ihad to listen from my headphones connected from M-Audio Transit.... Boy I really missed my Woo6!
  5. nichifanlema

    Which Color Hornet do you prefer?

    Where's maroon and green? and what's that Pink/violet hornet doing there? also, there seems to be White color as well...
  6. nichifanlema

    Etymotic Bluetooth Headphones - ety8

    Quote: Originally Posted by redshifter 2. you guys called the igrado ugly until you actually saw one on a head-fier! then you were falling over yourselves complimenting it. maybe you can learn from the past. the RECENT past. Well, IMHO, seeing them in real, they are still...
  7. nichifanlema

    New Woo Audio6

    Try listening with other low impedance cans... I am also using a low impedance 'phone, AT A900LTD (40 ohm) wih my Woo6 (the switch set to low impedance), but I don't have to crank the volume up to 2~3 o'clock....somewhere around 10 o'clock is enough for me.
  8. nichifanlema

    Letter to Little Dot -- LDII+ owners, PLEASE read

    just LD II+ and LD II++ have same size? (like, I mean by actual dimension of the amp) If they are, then the $60 + customer shipping option for getting a new LD++ might not incur a big financial damage on LD company... They can just recycle the returned LD II+'s...mod it a...
  9. nichifanlema

    A bit of a Head-Fi Disaster- Emergency Help Needed If Possible...

    Kudos for [AK]Zip !!!! You are the MAN
  10. nichifanlema

    Lavry & Black Sand (or another other)

    Quote: Originally Posted by Scrith The differences you are going to hear with an upgraded power cord are definitely not going to be big ones. I would listen for greater bass impact (which might be the easiest difference to detect). By the way, if you are looking to improve the sound...
  11. nichifanlema

    Entech 203.2 > MicroDAC - significant step up?

    Hey, I'd like to know about this too.. I'm considering an upgrade from Entech 205.2....
  12. nichifanlema

    Darth Beyer pics

    is it same as ? The cup depth seems to be different....?
  13. nichifanlema

    Darth Beyer pics

    DAMN!!!! Is it Ebony ?? Man, I really want that...........
  14. nichifanlema

    New Woo Audio6

    Weird...I'm running my DT990 (250ohm) at somewhere between 10~11 o'clock range, depending on the music... Doesn't K701 have impedance of 62 ohm?