Recent content by named name
  1. named name

    The Watercooler -- Impressions, philosophical discussion and general banter. Index on first page. All welcome.

    If above 1k USD MSRP: Horizon Doom - Basic JVC / Victor - FW10000 Technics - EAH TZ700 Sony - EX1000 Dunu - Luna
  2. named name

    Astell&Kern SA700 - Past meets Present

    SA700 info page Open APP info
  3. named name

    Astell&Kern SA700 - Past meets Present

    There is no access to google play store. As far as I know you cannot download and run anything outside of whitelisted steaming apps.
  4. named name

    Astell&Kern SA700 - Past meets Present

    No, this player and all A&K players are closed android systems with a small handful of white listed streaming apps available to use.
  5. named name

    Eletech's Latest Marvel; 'Enigma' - Powered By Versa™

    Awesome looking product, looking forward to trying it out this weekend, however why omit the sliding cable cinch?
  6. named name

    The Watercooler -- Impressions, philosophical discussion and general banter. Index on first page. All welcome.

    I actually don’t know the model in the tour.. so V3 with a rock of salt😅 *edited for clarity
  7. named name

    The Watercooler -- Impressions, philosophical discussion and general banter. Index on first page. All welcome.

    Would honestly like to read your impressions of the Rhapsodio, is it a Supreme Mkxx? I had acquainted Sammy back in 2017, while I was still into over ear headphones and just started to dive into the deep depths of IEMs. Back then I approached him for some affordable cables to be terminated in...
  8. named name

    DITA Audio Project M Discussion Thread

    Haven’t been able to spend much time listening at all since picking up the Project M over the past* weekend. So these are quick and dirty initial impressions: Overall packaging, aesthetics, fit and finish is excellent on par with all Dita products that I have ever purchased or encountered. The...
  9. named name

    DITA Audio Project M Discussion Thread

    Checked my personal unit, the lining is adhered to the case by double sided tape, so can be considered to removable.
  10. named name

    Cayin N8ii: The Incredible DAP with ROHM DAC and fully BAL Nutube

    3.5 to RCA for N8ii’s ROHM dac flavour USB to WA7 you’ll be hearing WA7’s dac
  11. named name

    The Watercooler -- Impressions, philosophical discussion and general banter. Index on first page. All welcome.

    I know for sure you didn't mean any disrespect of any sort. It is interesting to read about your impressions on how the FW has changed favorably with the pairing with the WM1Z, in similar vein I think you should give the Rn6 a go with gold brick. Would be interested with how you find that...
  12. named name

    The Watercooler -- Impressions, philosophical discussion and general banter. Index on first page. All welcome.

    I am aware of the negative stereotypical perception that the Chinese language all sounds the same... but I am sure you mean the Aroma Audio FEI WAN in stead of ... Apologies for being pedantic.