Recent content by naike
  1. naike

    Xonar Essence ST adapter for PCIe, thoughts?

    So the audio quality won't be affected by the added components and connections?
  2. naike

    Xonar Essence ST adapter for PCIe, thoughts?

    I've been wondering, since it finally seems PCI is disappearing from high end motherboards, it probably won't be long until it's a rare feature on all motherboards in general, how will I be able to use my Xonar ST?   Would it be possible to use a PCI to PCIe adapter (these exist), without...
  3. naike

    HD555 driver came off, help

      Took a picture to better describe it. When I connect the wires now, it doesn't work, I have to very precisely hit the right spot where the connection was before for it to work, simply making contact with the solder doesn't do anything. Do I have to prepare the wire/solder somehow before...
  4. naike

    HD555 driver came off, help

    Soo while modding and painting my HD555s the wires for the left driver popped out. Oh well, I thought I'll just head up a screwdriver-like thing on the stove, but when I put it against the solder nothing happens, yet it super easily melted through plastic and other stuff like butter.   I...
  5. naike

    DETAILED Instructions for Soundstage Mod HD555 Headphones

    Quote: Thanks, I went ahead and did the mod now...   First impression was pretty neutral, but after a while I realized that it just sounds more open, I can't really hear any difference in frequency response, maybe the mids are a little teeny tiny bit worse, but might be placebo. On...
  6. naike

    DETAILED Instructions for Soundstage Mod HD555 Headphones

    How is this mod? Removing the foam mod was awesome and it only improved the sound and you can easily reverse the mod.   But I'd like to hear some opinions of this mod before committing myself.
  7. naike

    Soundcard or DAC for headphones?

    Did you actually read my post? It's for a friend not me. Can you suggest some dacs or soundcards for heaphones so I can read reviews etc. on them?
  8. naike

    Soundcard or DAC for headphones?

    Oh, so digital audio out is always the same, no matter what card/output? There are so many options out there, what should I look for if I want the most bang for the buck in sound quality. (For headphones)
  9. naike

    Soundcard or DAC for headphones?

    A friend of mine getting new headphones for music on his computer, he only has onboard sound at the moment though... No super high end stuff, just something for HD558-ish range headphones.   I'm no expert myself but I enjoy music, I got the Xonar ST back when I bought my audio gear, but I...
  10. naike

    100-150€ headphones for music listening

    Thanks for the suggestions. Those sony headphones are a little too expensive. Can you give more concrete info or comparisons (in case you've got anything to compare them to)?   Thanks
  11. naike

    100-150€ headphones for music listening

    I need some suggestions for new headphones in the range of 100€ max 150€. For general music listening (no techno, more like rock/metal and pop stuff). They have to be the big ones that go around your ear..   I was thinking Sennheiser HD 558
  12. naike

    Earphone suggestions under 100

    I need some earphone suggestions for under 100€. Looking for those regular old school ones (not the ones you stuff inside your ear), and durability is my main concern.
  13. naike

    Sometimes my sound card "bugs" only 1 channel

    Hi. Sometimes my sound card (Asus Xonar Essence ST) will bug and when I listen to music, it only comes out from one channel (I think it's always left) and it seems both the left and right audio comes from the same channel. Since when I reverse stereo channels with a DSP setting, it sounds...
  14. naike

    Bit depth

    No I can't listen to 32-bit audio, my card only plays 24-bit audio, I was just wondering because I'd consider the Xonar ST a high(er) end card and it doesn't support 32-bit audio.