Head Gear Reviews by mwhouston
  1. Sennheiser HD 700 Headphone

    4.00 star(s)
    After building a very exotic valve headphone amp, with a Sophia Mesh Plate Rec. tube, I wanted to match this thermionic marvel with REAL quality phones. I have a pair of AT ATH700 Airs which I love and think excellent value for $160. I also have my "train" pair of Phiaton 400s with their closed back. The Phiatons are good but the ATs much better. I Googled for the "best headphones" the the answer came back "Sennheiser HD700s". Too many good reviews to ignore them and at around the $1K mark I must have a pair. RRP for these pro. phones is $1,100. Even...
  2. Sennheiser HD 598

    3.50 star(s)
    While having a listening session with a friend on my newly made valve headphone amp we swapped phones. I was using the Audio-technica ATH700 Air and my friend The Sennheiser HD598s. My tube amp can drive two HPs at the same time with both being close to each other in impedance and efficiency. For the extra $100 over the cost of the AT I would say the Sennheiser are good value. They were not as bassy but good bass extension and mids and treble was airier and cleaner. By no means are the AT a slouch and for $160 they are really excellent value. But if...