Recent content by mustardhamsters
  1. mustardhamsters

    About to invest in some RE0's

    I'd try a warmer, bass-heavy amp.
  2. mustardhamsters

    which tips for dba-02?

    Will the Klipsch gel tips fit?
  3. mustardhamsters

    Power Cables... Really?

    Expensive digital cables are worse.
  4. mustardhamsters

    Love M-Audio Q40s and dislike Ultrasone HFI-780s. What phones should I get?

    Don't worry, the Ultrasone HFI780 aren't exactly the most well-loved headphones.
  5. mustardhamsters

    Highest Possible Quality Audio Format For Ipod Touch

    High-quality AAC is pretty good though.
  6. mustardhamsters

    Fiio E7 vs Nuforce Icon Mobile

    FiiO E7, in my opinion.
  7. mustardhamsters

    Pondering something a little different...Grados?

    I'd definitely try the Grado SR60 or the Alessandro MS1.
  8. mustardhamsters

    Meelectronics is to release M11+

    I've always found that the MEElectronics M9 performed above its price range. Hopefully, the MEElectronics M11+ will do the same.
  9. mustardhamsters

    Help with [custom] IEM choice

    I never really liked the Ultimate Ears Triple.Fi 10, mostly because of its recessed midrange.
  10. mustardhamsters

    Fostex T50RP : Impressions and Future DIY PVC Housings

    The Fostex line-up of headphones have a lot of potential.   I'd try getting new pads too. That should help with the bass tremendously.
  11. mustardhamsters

    Guitar-fi anyone?

    Just got my first electric guitar.   It's one of the better First Act "special edition" ones.
  12. mustardhamsters

    Amp for Grado PS1000

    I'd say the WA6SE, just because I'm a huge fan of Woo Audio.