Recent content by mRaaghava
  1. mRaaghava

    Review by 'mRaaghava' on item 'Craft Ears Omnium'

    Craft Ears Omnium Review Disclaimer I have been provided with Craft Ears Omnium as part of a review tour held by Audio Geek India. I am not related to Craft Ears in anyway possible and all the impressions I mention here are subjective to my gears used and my listening capabilities...
  2. mRaaghava

    Review by 'mRaaghava' on item 'Spirit Torino IEM TWIN PULSE BERYLLIUM'

    Spirit Torino Twin Pulse Beryllium In Ear Monitors Disclaimer I have been provided with Spirit Torino Twin Pulse Beryllium IEMs as part of an audition tour by Aural Café community and @pradiptacr7 . I am in no part related to the brand and all impressions given hereby are my own. About...
  3. mRaaghava

    Cayin N7: A Voyager of Unexplored Frontier

    I would pick N7 any day over WM1AM2. At whatever price. I feel N7 as a more dynamic and spacious sounding DAP of the two.
  4. mRaaghava

    Comment by 'mRaaghava' on listing 'iBasso DX320 Max TI'

    How old is it and where do you stay?
  5. mRaaghava

    Ibasso Discrete portable DAC with R2R D16

    Probably fixed voltage from LO.
  6. mRaaghava

    Cayin N7: A Voyager of Unexplored Frontier

    It’s an excellent DAP. No issues so far for me in 6-months of usage.
  7. mRaaghava

    Cayin N7: A Voyager of Unexplored Frontier

    Hello all. I started using N7 as DAC to my amp Jotunheim 2, there was no issues in LO mode, but in Pre mode, I am hearing a small static noise between songs. Did anyone had this issue and what did you do to remove that static noise between songs? TIA.
  8. mRaaghava

    Comment by 'mRaaghava' on listing 'Ferrum Erco Gen 2'

    Can we use this for IEMs?
  9. mRaaghava

    Fir Audio Thread - Discussion and Impressions

    Or just get a DAP instead. Like HiBy R6 Pro 2 or Shanling M6 Ultra or an iBasso DX260.
  10. mRaaghava

    Campfire Audio - SuperMoon

    What third party cable do you guys suggest for Supermoon, which elevates SQ further from the stock 4.4mm cable? TIA.
  11. mRaaghava

    SparkoS Labs Gemini Headphone Amp

    Hello all. I am seriously considering this amp. Did anyone tried this with IEMs? And does this amp in its stock tube configuration work great with all genres, including pop/edm/electronic/rock?