Recent content by monkeybone
  1. monkeybone

    The Fiio X5 Thread

    BWA HA HA HA HA! I was having a stressful time at the office. Thanks for the remedy, mate.
  2. monkeybone

    The Fiio X5 Thread

    That's interesting. I haven't gotten around to trying out the effects of am amp yet. It's just something I'm wondering about right now. But your experience helps me put it off for a while ... Perhaps after this year end bonus :P Which amps have you tried your K10+X5 with?
  3. monkeybone

    The Fiio X5 Thread

      Agreed, the K10 is a huge step. My justification was it would cost less in the long run (as opposed to multiple upgrades in search of the best sound).   Bonus 1: EARGASM! Bonus 2: EAR BLING!   Now let's see if the K10 sounds better with the X5 + a nice amp .....
  4. monkeybone

    The Fiio X5 Thread

    Slow reply.... Been away from this thread for awhile and now just catching up again. Ay advice ... Look up something called the K10 from Noble Audio. Easy to drive directly from the X5 (also from any other portable source I've tried), much more portable than full sized cans aaaaand most...
  5. monkeybone

    The Fiio X5 Thread

    I had the same idea. When my cards arrived, my wife saw them and said "oh darling, how did you know the card in my phone is almost full? How thoughtful!" And that's why I now have 1 x 64GB and 1 x 32GB ( her old card) in me X5. :(
  6. monkeybone

    Review: Estron Linum BaX --- New IEM Cable for a New Age

    Agreed. 3kshop has a better selection. Incidentally, I got my X5 from them. Haven't seen any Westones there, though.
  7. monkeybone

    Review: Estron Linum BaX --- New IEM Cable for a New Age

    Yup. I used to live in PMH too. Moved to District 2 last October. I heard there's a shop selling Westones somewhere in HCMC. Wonder if they'll eventually stock the cables mentioned by tomscy2000, above. I think the Westones use MMCX connectors too.
  8. monkeybone

    The Fiio X5 Thread

    Bwa ha ha ha ha!!!! :evil: welcome to this viscous cycle..... 1. Buy a new DAP. 2. Start re-ripping all your music to a lossless format. 3. Upgrade headphones (this step can be repeated multiple times). 4. Acquire/upgrade amp (same as step 3...can be repeated). 5. "Maybe I can squeeze a...
  9. monkeybone

    Review: Estron Linum BaX --- New IEM Cable for a New Age

    doublea71, moedawg140, AxelCloris & tomscy2000 Thanks everyone, for your feedback. I'm currently using the UE900, mostly. I think the potential comfort of the BaX would make the gamble worth it ... If not for the negative feedbacks regarding their MMCX implementation (loose, sound cutting off)...
  10. monkeybone

    Review: Estron Linum BaX --- New IEM Cable for a New Age

    Congratulations on your new cables. I wear glasses, so these would be a godsend if the SQ were as good as the ergonomics. I'd appreciate if you could answer a few questions: 1. In your opinion, does the BaX affect the sound signature of your IEMs in any way? 2. Where did you order from, and how...
  11. monkeybone

    The Fiio X5 Thread

    My best guess would be advancements in quantum physics. They found a way to stuff more sardines into the same can. Pocket dimension, anyone?:D
  12. monkeybone

    The Fiio X5 Thread

    +1,000 Exactly what I've been waiting for. I knew FiiO would get around to it. Will test it out this weekend. If it doesn't work flawlessly, you guys still get points for effort.
  13. monkeybone


    13.5 lbf (rounded up from 13.4885 lbf) 29.7 lbf (rounded up from 29.7371 lbf) 33.1 lbf (rounded up from 33.0693 lbf)   Note: lbf = pound force
  14. monkeybone

    Review: Estron Linum BaX --- New IEM Cable for a New Age

    Looking forward to your impressions. Trying to decide if the BaX would go well with my UE900.
  15. monkeybone

    The Fiio X3 Thread.

    Q: Where can I DL a copy of FW2.19b? It seems the beta testers are not allowed to share, but I'd like to try this out, if SQ is different from FW3.0.