Recent content by mishkakrisa
  1. mishkakrisa

    Resolved: No add button on classifieds

    Hi there, I'm trying to post a couple things in classifieds. It's been years since I sold on here. I looked through all the guides but the add button isn't coming up for me. Any help would be hugely appreciated. Mish
  2. mishkakrisa

    Power supply for HeadAmp AE-1

    Hey guys!   Hoping you can help me with this one. I'm looking for a new power supply for my AE-1. ( I have no idea where the original is.) I know that I'm looking for a regulated 9VDC adapter with a center-negative plug.  But I don't know if I should be looking for one with a 2.5mm or if a...
  3. mishkakrisa

    Miu-Audio give away - 30 sets headphone amplifier DIY Kit

    I'm a keen DIY-er...count me in if this is still going.
  4. mishkakrisa

    Ultrasone HFI-780 replacement earpads

    nvermind please delete
  5. mishkakrisa

    Quest for non-Pleather 780 pads

    Hi Guys, I got the Beyer pads, but can't seem to figure out how to get the original pleather pads off without breaking something. Am i missing something? You guys are removing the originals first right? Any help would be greatly appreciated. All the best Mish
  6. mishkakrisa

    forum mods please delete.

    please delete
  7. mishkakrisa

    Phiaton - latest attempt at "luxury" headphones

    Any updates on these cans?
  8. mishkakrisa

    Phiaton - latest attempt at "luxury" headphones

    Hmm...these look really nice...but what about the sound. I almost pulled the trigger before i noticed the y cable...not a deal breaker, but kind of annoying for home listening... Anyone else?
  9. mishkakrisa

    Ultrasone HFI 580 or HFI 780 or...

    That is very helpful. Any other 580 0r 780 owners want to chime in...or does anyone have other suggestions? What about these new Phiatons?
  10. mishkakrisa

    Ultrasone HFI 580 or HFI 780 or...

    Thanks for the speedy reply. I'm just hoping the treble won't be too ear splitting..this is based on some of the reviews here. All the best, Mish
  11. mishkakrisa

    Ultrasone HFI 580 or HFI 780 or...

    Hello all, I'm looking for a closed and foldable(or at least transportable) set of cans. I'm trying to find he best sound given these requirements. I listen mostly to funk, hiphop and rock so bass is important. The hfi 780's sound brilliant...but some user reviews have left me...
  12. mishkakrisa

    found help.

    What's funny? Seems like the guy is just asking for some help. Good luck with your search. If I wasn't in London I'd offer my help....may be a bit of a long trip to try your cans out All the best, Mish
  13. mishkakrisa

    zune gripe: static crackle b/n tracks. is it just me?

    Quote: Originally Posted by Ricardo Dawkins ^^ mish....did you take the poll ? Hi, Zune brothers....can you all go to this website and post your 10 most desired features to improve the Zune Generation 1 device. Just register yourself (free) and...
  14. mishkakrisa

    The Zune: A review.

    Quote: Originally Posted by wgr73 Yep! As long as you configure it properly. Agreed.