Recent content by miror
  1. miror

    Rockbox for iBasso DX50 dual boot with stock firmware

    im geting problem while im trying to seee hebrew letters o=   when im chnage the UI Language to Hebrew all the letters are reversed.  i tried to change the codepage and fonts but it dosnt work... same problem  whith music that uses hebrew letters... any idea?
  2. miror

    Rockbox for iBasso DX50 dual boot with stock firmware

    Thanks, Can some one tell me how to create playlist?
  3. miror

    Rockbox for iBasso DX50 dual boot with stock firmware

    i cant find the download of the last version, i can only find   some noe can help? thanks
  4. miror

    The iBasso DX50 Thread - Latest firmware: 1.9.5 - June 30, 2016

    guys an 32gb class4 will be enought for the player? or i should go for class 6/10?
  5. miror

    Rockbox for iBasso DX50 dual boot with stock firmware

    thanks alot for you help! my last question hehe   do you have an idea if this player supports Hebrew language? i didnt find an answer on the web o=
  6. miror

    Rockbox for iBasso DX50 dual boot with stock firmware

    i guess your a owner of dx50, do you recommend buying it? i really confused between dx50 and fiio x5 [dx90 out of my budnget]...
  7. miror

    Rockbox for iBasso DX50 dual boot with stock firmware

    ok thanks, it is possible to create playlist on the go?
  8. miror

    The Fiio X5 Thread

    its really deal breaker for me... they said when it will be possible? should i go for ibasso instead? O=
  9. miror

    Rockbox for iBasso DX50 dual boot with stock firmware

    im instrested in buying this play but i heard it have many software and freezing issues...   this problems was fixed?
  10. miror

    The Fiio X3 Thread.

    the fiio x3 cappable of creating playlist on the go?
  11. miror

    The Fiio X5 Thread

    the fiio x5 cappable of creating playlist on the go?