Recent content by minhdelsol
  1. minhdelsol

    Best Smartphone for audiophile Part II (Updated: Jan 2020)

    Essential Phone has just released an Adapter for their phone which has the ESS sabre chip inside. Anyone in the states and/or owning the phone can check it out?
  2. minhdelsol

    Best Smartphone for audiophile Part II (Updated: Jan 2020)

    Lolipop or not sadly more often than not there're problems with Google integration on Meizu phones. Sometimes they are just small hiccups but can still be annoying. In my case, when I was on one of Lolipop's stable build with my Pro 5, my music always got disrupted whenever I entered Google now.
  3. minhdelsol

    Best Smartphone for audiophile Part II (Updated: Jan 2020)

    Only the first one as far as I know.
  4. minhdelsol

    Best Smartphone for audiophile Part II (Updated: Jan 2020)

    Ehh Mi note was one of Xiaomi flagship released 3 years ago and was then followed by Mi note 2 and then Mi note 3. Note 4x actually belongs to the Redmi line which is Xiaomi mid-range.
  5. minhdelsol

    Best Smartphone for audiophile Part II (Updated: Jan 2020)

    I don't expect it to be as good as a full setup I got at home just some proper drive would be nice but yeah I also think it's better to go for low impedance cans as I have one in my rn. Thanks for the advise
  6. minhdelsol

    Best Smartphone for audiophile Part II (Updated: Jan 2020)

    any of you that owns either a V20 or G6, how do they fare with high impedance like the HD 600. I'm going to travel around in the coming months and I'm thinking of either upgrading my pro 5 or get a low impedance headphone.
  7. minhdelsol

    Headphones for metal music - ultimate solution

    I appreciate the reply. Probably will go for the classic as it looks so damn sexy for me and I was quite happy with what it had from the listening test.
  8. minhdelsol

    Headphones for metal music - ultimate solution

    Has anyone had the chance to compare between the Meze Classic and Neo when it comes to Metal? I was meaning to test those 2 today only to be bummed out that the Neo in my local shop was out of stock.
  9. minhdelsol

    Best Smartphone for audiophile Part II (Updated: Jan 2020)

    Will anyone have the chance to test out how the new android one from Xiaomi sound? According to their website it has a dedicated amp. Interested too see how much power does this thing have
  10. minhdelsol

    Best Smartphone for audiophile Part II (Updated: Jan 2020)

    Wasn't the Pro 5 from late of 2015 ? Talking about Meizu I think you left out the Pro 6, it got DAC as well tho not as good. BTW, great effort for summing things up and especially thank you for having recommended me to go for the Pro5. Loving that phone ever since
  11. minhdelsol

    Best Smartphone for audiophile

    has anyone got the chance to test the sound of quality of those nokia phones?
  12. minhdelsol

    Best Smartphone for audiophile

    Wouldn't call the axon 7 "bad" firmware support. Maybe that was the case with zte phones in the pass but the current axon 7 ( and mini) are on constant update and the lastest Android N version. I think they are one of the earliest to update their android version outside of those stock phones...
  13. minhdelsol

    Best Smartphone for audiophile

    Probably cuz they are in trouble in phones department. From what I read recently they've just sold thier property in Sillicon Valley.
  14. minhdelsol

    Best Smartphone for audiophile

    From what I've been reading Z3 have the best sound of them all. Z3 is upgradable to 6.0 and Z5 is 7.0
  15. minhdelsol

    Best Smartphone for audiophile

    I'm getting a newphone and for my price range  I'm wondering amongst these options: Xiaomi mi note pro, Meizu pro 5 and Xiaomi 5. Hope someone here can help me out